35: Missing...

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The Drama continues...





Harry laid in a hospital bed, out cold from the insane amount of blood loss.

"So let me make sure I have this right," a cop that was called when Harry arrived said to a very worried Tahleea. "He was mugged?"

"Yes, he told me a man in a mask approached him and tried to take his stuff but when Harry tried to run, he shot him," she fakely cried.

Tahleea was very well trained for situations like this. Her father taught her at a young age how to get out of situations like this. She was taught that a female in distress was a trap for the police.

"And he's your boyfriend?" He clarifies.

"Yes, of 1 year, we were headed to the masquerade ball," she wipes her eyes.

"And where were you when this all went down?" He asks.

"I told you, I was in the car," she bawls.

"We will fill out a report and let you know if we find anything," the cop says with a curt nod before exiting the room.

Tahleea waited till the door was closed and the cop was gone to rid her face of the fake tears. She stands and walks over to Harry's bed side.

"H, you have to pull through, please," she says to his unconscious body.

Harry has been out cold for about 2 hours. The doctors said he should pull through this. They told her that she got him in there just in time, a second longer and he'd be a dead man. Harry was pumped with as much blood as they could give him. They were able to remove the bullet and he was now in recovery.

"How is he?" Suddenly three very worried men burst through the door.

"Doctors say he should be ok but he's been out for 2 hours now," Tahleea mumbles. "Any word from Li?"

"Not a word.." Niall shakes his head.

Everyone was worried because Liam was still missing. They couldn't figure out how his bag made it to the car. It was dropped there before Tahleea was there but how? Did Liam fly to Paris and not tell anyone? He wouldn't do that, would he? In this moment they all hoped he did because it would mean that he wasn't dead or being held captive.

"He'll show," Harry's groggy voice speaks up over the silence.

"Holy shit," Tahleea let out a heavy breath.

"Jesus man, we thought you we're dead," Louis stepped over to his bedside.

"I told you guys, I'm not dying yet," he smirks.

"We thought you were man," Niall shakes his head.

"Liam will show Louis, he always does," Harry comforts his distraught friend.

"He better," he sighs.

Present time:

"Hello?" Hadley cried into the empty void.

Her vision was blurred but she could see a small light coming from what seemed to be the bottom of a door. There were a few footsteps coming from behind her which sent her into panic.

"Please let me go," she cries.

"Oh Hadley," the voice tried to comfort her.

Her hearing was still muffled as well so the gender of this mystery person was still unknown.

"We're just trying to help you," another voice, which was deeper, spoke.

The deepness of this voice led her to believe this one was male.

"Then why am I tied up," she sniffles.

"Don't worry about that," the lighter voice trails off.

"Take a nap, relax a bit," the voice taunts her.

"Please don't hurt me," she whines.

"Darling, we have things to tend to," the deep voice speaks to the other captor.

"We will be back later, love, relax."

With that she was once again stabbed with a needle, causing her to lose consciousness.

It was dark and cold, that's all she knew.




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