21: Road Trippin

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This chapter kinda gets deep not gonna lie but I sorta like it:)




Hadley POV:

Yesterday morning Niall and the boys came by my house and told me to pack a bag, that we were headed to Vegas. Harry wasn't anywhere to be seen which was weird, Niall said he was meeting us somewhere in between.

So now Kendall and I are following the boys down an empty road, on our way to Vegas and I have never been so excited. I look over at Kendall who has her knees to her chest as she sits in the passenger seat.

"Vegas, we agreed to go on a random trip to Vegas," Kendall shakes her head but still holds that bright smile she always has.

"I know, who are we?" I laugh.

"A couple of 20 year old's who have nothing better to do during fall break," she chuckles.

"Hey pass me the cigarettes in the glove box," I point to the dashboard.

"I still hate that you do this," she mumbles.

"I hate that I do it but we all have habits we can't kick," I sigh and reach my hand into the center console for my little lighter.

I grab the carton of cancerous sticks and place one between my lips, bringing the lighter up to light it. I slowly inhale the toxic smoke and hold it in a moment before blowing it back out into the warm air that's whipping through the car.

"Why do you think they suddenly wanted to go to Vegas?" Kendall turns to me slightly.

"I don't know, they're 23-year-old boys so they probably want to go drink and fuck around I chuckle as I keep my eyes on the road.

"Yeah, but Liam will usually tell me if they're planning something," she explains.

"I wonder why Harry wasn't there to pick us up, if anything that's the strangest thing about this," I look at her shortly.

I guess it's not completely strange for Harry to do his own thing, he's always off doing what he wants and when he wants, that's just Harry. My head turns back to Kendall when I hear her phone ring.

"Hello?" She speaks into the phone. "Yeah, mhm ok," she talks to whoever is on the phone.

She hangs up the phone and sighs, turning to me with a face that looks unsatisfied.

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Turn into the gas station up here, Harry wants you to ride with him so then Liam is going to ride in here with me," she sounds genuinely upset.

"Why? I don't wanna ride with him," I shake my head.

"Babe, Harry gets what Harry wants," she shrugs.

I toss my head back and groan out, following Louis' car into the car park. We pull in and I see Harry's car parked by one of the gas tanks, why the hell is he always so needy? I pull up behind him and park the car, at the same time Liam comes up and opens the car door.

"Move it lady, at this rate we're gonna be pulling up at half past midnight," he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, I had nothing to do with this," I shake my head. "Talk to Styles."

"Just go," he groans.

I huff and hop out of the car, grabbing all my things and heading over to the devils car. I reach the tinted car and pull the door open. The first thing I see makes my heart drop, Harry's face all bruised and his bottom lip cut up.

Fashion Week |H.S.|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora