37:Saint Olive

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FINALLY!! An update made for you<3




Harry POV:

"You know what I hate," Louis pipes up.

"What Lou," I sigh. I know exactly what he's gonna say.

"That Liam thought it would be ok to just pack up and leave, and that Hadley would allow that shit," He rants.

"Louis calm down and be grateful he's not dead," Tahleea shakes her head.

"I'm sorry but it's bullshit," Louis argues. "That girlfriend of yours is a real bitch, you know that."

"So help me god Louis I will get out of this bed and beat your a-"

"Harry!" I look across the room and see Hadley dashing toward my bed.

"Hadley?" I say in confusion.

"What the hell happened to you?" She grabs my face and examines my face. "Are you ok?" She pushes my hair all around to look for cuts.

"My shoulder," I wince in pain when her hands move to the wound.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry," she pulls her hands back.

"Harry?" What am I hearing right now?

"Holy shit," Zayn finally speaks after being silent all day.

"G- Gemma?" I feel a lump grow in my throat. "What- who.. How?"

"She brought me here.." Hadley says. "You guys, there's something you need to know," she looks around at the room full of people.

"What's up?" I rub her shoulder with my good arm.

"Gemma?" She turns to my sister.

"I can't tell him," she shakes her head.

"Tell me what?" I look between my two favorite people, one of which I still can't believe is here.

"Liam and Kendall are secret agents," Hadley spits out.

Niall and Louis burst out in laughter while Tahleea, Zayn and I aren't finding this funny at all. What does she mean 'secret agents'?

"Shut up you idiots, she's serious," I tell them.

"There is no way in hell that Liam Payne is a secret agent," Louis rolls his eyes.

"She's not lying, my mum is in on it," Gemma says. My blood runs cold.

"Liam didn't take me to go see Kendall, and Kendall isn't in Paris," Hadley say's in a meek tone. "They kidnapped me the night of the ball," she starts to get teary eyed.

"What?" Is all I can say.

"It's true," Gemma nods.

"What does mum have to do with this?" I shake my head.

"Harry, please don't freak when I tell you this," Handley grabs my face again.

"I will if you don't tell me what the hell is going on," my voice raises out of habit.

Everyone has gone quiet. No one knows what to do. Hadley was kidnapped by one of our best friends? I don't understand how Liam or Kendall could do that.

"They've been tracking you," she says calmly. "I'm sorry Harry but.. Liam was never your real friend." She says in a sorrowful tone.

"Tracking me? For what?" I ask.

"They're here to kill you Harry," Gemma blurts out.

My chest grows heavy. My own mother wants to kill me? My mind rushes and my breathing picks up. I can't tell if I'm sad or angry or just completely shocked. There is no way they're telling the truth, right? I mean my mum gave birth to me.. I was her little boy.

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