7: Life Of The Party 2

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And this is Hadley's dress !

This chapter is relatively the same but just in Hadley's POV meaning... you'll see her reaction to the girl Harry brought!!

This chapter is a long one so grab a snack and drink and get comfy! 

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Song Mentioned in this chapter: 

'R.I.P 2 My Youth' By: The Neighbourhood :)




Hadley POV

I wasn't going to go to this stupid party, but I had this little red dress that was just screaming to be worn so I showed up.

"I'm glad you came," Kendall smiles at me with her pearly white teeth.

"Yeah, well as long as I can get blackout drunk then I'm happy," I smile. "I also couldn't stay with Helix after he found out that Harry has been hanging around."

I think it's super weird that he got mad that Harry was hanging around me. Harry didn't know my brother, but Helix seemed to know him. I have no idea how, but it is a small world after all.

"What do you ladies want to drink?" Liam leans over so we can hear him over all the music and shouting going on.

"Whatever you're having," Kendall speaks to him.

"Get me the strongest thing you can find me," I laugh.

"Ah, is Hadley letting loose tonight?" Liam chuckles.

"She is so, go get me the hardest alcohol you can find," I smirk and turn back to Kendall.

Liam nods and walks off, back into the house. I honestly don't drink a lot but when I do, I am a whole lot of fun and everyone at this party knows it because the minute I walked in the door I got a lot of smirks, and a few guys even came up to talk to me.

"Hello ladies," Zack Johnson walks up to Kendall and me.

"Hey Zack," I smile.

"Hadley, are you going to turn this party up tonight?" He asks.

"I plan on it, you're all lame anyway," I smirk.

"Ouch," He laughs and acts hurt.

"Sorry, just the hard truth," I shrug.

"Well, I'll see you girls around," he says before walking off to the pool house which I think was being used as a smokehouse and I do plan on visiting that place later as well.

I look all around us at all the many different college students drinking, dancing and socializing among themselves when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hadley, hey," David Richmond smiles as I turn to meet his blue eyes with my grey ones.

"Hey David," I smile back. I have always had a crush on David.

He was your stereotypical rich jock. Brown curly hair, blue eyes, tall and built.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asks.

"I will be once Liam brings me my drink," I laugh and turn my head over my shoulder to see Liam walking over to us.

"Hey Richmond," Liam nods as he hands Kendall and I, our drinks.

"You got yourself a real nice house here David," I compliment his family's home.

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