Chap 21

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Jacks pov

Raven handed me back the note as I put Lilly down, We both looked at each other till I remembered the twins where still in there room and there window doesn't lock and like the idiot I am I left the latter out in the lawn. I run my ass into the twins room dropping the note Raven and Lilly following be hind me.

I got to the baby's room and saw the window was open but there was no latter there at the window I quickly looked into the cribs only one baby was in there crib and in the other crib was a teddy bear and a bundled up blanket.

Right as I was about to freak the fuck out the blanket started moving. I quickly threw the blanket up out of the crib and there he was little Terron just starting to wake up. I sighed in relief then picked up both the kids and put them in me in Ravens room.

"Ok every one is sleeping in here tonight" I said as I made a little bed for Lilly on the floor out of pillows and blankets. 

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