Chap 15

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Jacks pov

We where on are way back home. I was a little excited about becoming a grandfather it will be fun having another guy who
Don't dress the same as his sister in the house for once.

"Dad I'm hungry can we get oooooo that's get French frys and ice cream plzzz ooo and maybe some yeah definitely some some pickles".
Oh grate Lilly's craving have started at least she isn't an emotional reck yet and at least she not craving anything really strange.

"To the store it is then" I say. We go to the store and buy a hole bunch of shit Lilly wanted. I also got some actual food for me an the twins.

We where about to get in the car when all of a sudden "ow ow ow owwww". Lily says wile holding her stomach. I ran over to her as fast as I could. "LILLY WHATS WRONG LIL" I said wile tuning to her side. "Dad give me your hand fast".

Before I could protest and or ask why she grabs both my hands and places them on her stomach. I started to raze an eyebrow when all of a sudden the baby started kicking and moving all around.

"He's gonna be grate in sports" I said with a little laugh. It was a real miracle maybe this won't be that bad of a thing I mean hey everything happens for a reason right.

"He must be tired now isn't that right grandpa little buddy" I said in a stupid baby voice when the baby stopped kicking. Lilly laughed at me as I took my hands off her stomach and helped her in the car. This kid is gonna make me a giant softy I can already tell.

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