chap 23

23 2 0

Ravens pov

I went down stairs furious about the mess. "JACK JACK JACK WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS MESS AND LOOK AT MY COACH IT'S FUCKING RUEND" I yelled as I looked at the coach that was all torn up.

I walked into the kitchen and looked at the new fresh dead body on the table. I quickly went over to it to see if it was jack but no it was just the stupid next door neighbors wife.

Most people would freak out if they saw blood all over the place and a dead body in the kitchen but I've been threw way more then this in my life.

I seply just throw her in the back yard and put a blanket over her I'll burn her body latter. It's just easier to do that then reporting her dead in my kitchen.

I walked into the garage and walked over to the limp week tied up body on my the floor. "Hahaha trying to escape where you. Trying to get help hahaha you wish Jack I've been watching you ever since you moved in next door I copied your wife's looks and voice pretty well didn't i? I know everything about you and your so called family I wrote the notes I planed all of this just so I can have you to my self. When your stupid wife came down stairs to get water for your bratty kids that ain't even yours I took my chance and hit her in the back of the head and she fell on top of me so I pushed her off of me and layed her on the table and you know what happen from there I tied you up in your sleep and you woke up and roled out of bed and tried to get away but I guess you busted your knee open when you fell down the stairs I'm surprised you made it to the garage". I walked over to the sexy man laying on the ground trying to scoot away from me awe he's so cute when he struggles.

"Now what on earth are we gonna do with those kids we obviously can't keep them there wouldn't be enough room in the family for are kids now would there be jackypoo" I said as I needed next to him. I thought I hired a noise behind me but I just blew it off thinking it was a mouse or something.

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