Chap 1

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Ravens pov-

My names Raven well that's my real name. These people (my kidnappers) call me ash they give every one they take a knew name 6 weeks after taking them. They took me on my 13th birthday and I'm 22 now.

I don't know where I am/have been all this time all I know is that they keep me in this dark damp basement and I've been here away from all my friends and family ever since. I haven't seen/been out side for like 9 years it will 10 years tomorrow. But that doesn't matter right now all that matters is that I'm getting out of here tonight and that's finial.

Lilly comes down the basement stairs. She's a little girl that was taken about 4 years ago. I basically raised her and protected her. They let all the kids under the age of 11 wonder around the house. and then as soon as there 11 they lock them down here like animals. "Hey Lilly are you ready to get out of here, did you get what I asked you to" I whispered/ asked. She nods with a big grin on her face and pulls a screw driver a knife and a thing of keys out from under her shirt . She then put them in the place we've been hiding all the stuff we needed to escape with. "Good job Lil" I said. "Ok you know the plan right?" I asked her she nods. "Good ok meet me down here at midnight with all the money you can get and some food ok you think you can do that?". She nodded and smiled then gave me a quick hug before running back up stairs.

We've been planing are escape for 2 months now. Lilly's turning 6 tomorrow and I will not let her be here any longer then she already has been. I pulled out an old picture that I've kept hidden with me all these years. It was a picture of me and my old best friend Sean when we were 8. We where beat friends since we where 3 till the day I got stollen. I put it back in my pocket and started to drift off to sleep.


I woke up to Lilly shaking me. "Are we going now" she asked in her quiet shy little voice. I sat up and nodded she smiled and ran over to the place we've been hiding things at. She grabbed to bags one was full of cash and food the other was filled with cash and tools (Yea they had a lot of money laying all around the house).

She brought them over and say them next to me. She took the keys and unlocked my leg that was chained to the wall. "Alright let's get the hell out of here" I said wile standing up and picking up one of the bags.

We walked up the stairs and opens the door that led into the house quickly and quietly as possible. We walked over to the front door. I turned off the alarm system that went off when you opens the doors or windows at a certain time. I unlocked the door with the keys (yes you have to unlock the door with a key from the out side and inside). We opened and closed the door be hind us. We then got in and high jacked on of the cars.

"Thank god my dad taught me how to drive when I was 9" I said as I turned on the car and started speeding down the street. "Happy birthday Lilly" I said. She smiled "thanks happy birthday to you to this is the best present I could possibly get". "Same here Lilly same here" I said. We kept driving getting as far away from that place as we could.

We've been driving for 24 hours with out stop except to get gas and go pee. Lilly was in the front seat asleep. The names of the streets looked failure. We where back in the town I grew up in. I wondered if my parents still lived in the same house or even if the house was still there.


Hey guys this is my new story tell me if you like it and if you think I should carry along with it

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