Chap 14

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So sorry for the wait I meant to update sooner but I was seeing one of my best friends I haven't seen in 2 years and it's kinda rood to be updating something when your supposed to be hanging out with them any way here's the damn chapter

Lilly pov

We where in the sonogram room thingy. My shirt was pooled up just enough so only my belly was showing. The doctor was putting that ewwy gooey jelly clear shity stuff on my stomach.

And rubbed it all over my stomach. it was supper cold and gross feeling.

The doctor then start x ray remote stick thing over my stomach so that what was in side would show up on the tv thingy. The doctor did this with out saying any thing and wile looking very closely at the tv for about 3 minutes.

Then he finally said "there it is". He pooled the screen closer to us so we could all see it clearly. He Then started pointing at parts of the screen.

There's the baby there's it's head and it's feet and would u like to know the sex.

I looked at the doc to my dad and back to the doc and then to my dad again. "It's up to you Lil" my dad said wile moving the all of my hair out of my face. I looked back at the doc and nodded.

"Ok then well let's see is it a boy or a girl" the doc said as he moved the thing around on my stomach and looked tag the screen. He then pointed to something on the screen that I could really tell what he was pointing at.

"You know what tha..." The doctor was interrupted by my dad who jumped up and yelled with excitement.

"MY GRAND BABY IS GONNA BE A BOY WOOO". "Dad sit down" "NO I CAN DO WHAT EVER I FUCKING PLEACE". "Sir the child can hear what is happening and it's bad curse in grunt of kids" the doctor said as he started to print out pictures of the sonogram for us and wiped all that cold nasty stuff off me.

We finished up with the doctor and where driving back home. It turns out my dad is pretty excited about being a grandpa. The doctor said that the baby looked fine and heathy and to come back in a few weeks so he can see how the baby and me are doing.

He also said that I thank god I don't have any thing like aids or some shit.

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