Chap 8

135 6 3

Lilly's pov-

"DADDY NOOO" I screamed as I saw him pass out. I couldn't move my leg that was now crushed in between my booster seat and the back of dad's seat. I only still have to sit in a booster because I'm so small for my age. I unbuckled and pushed and shoved and forced my self to the front seat where daddy was. I shook him and yelled at him to get up with tears in my eyes.

He's eyes opened and he sat up well as much as he could any ways. I hugged him crying my eyes out.

Jacks pov-

Lilly was crying into my shoulder. We where both bleeding and there was glass from the windows/windshield every where. "Shhh Lilly it's going to be alright now most importantly are you ok". She shook her head and said "my leg hurts bad and I I I can't m-move it" she said with tears. I hugged her and told her that we where gonna get out of the car then call an ambulance and go get her leg checked out.

I pushed my door as hard as I could slamming my body against it until I realized the door was still locked. I unlocked the door and then opened it using more force then needed. The door popped open and I fell out of the car like a dumb ass.

I got up and grabbed Lilly out of the car and sat her around some cute little flowers about 5 feet away from the car. I was going back into the car and looking for my cell phone when I herd Lilly scream bloody murder. I quickly spun around to see 2 guys picking Up and trying to take a screaming and squirming Lilly.

I ran as fast as I could screaming "PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN" and then tackled the guys holding Lilly. Making both of them lose there balance and fall with me on top of them. They dropped Lilly on the floor in the process. "Calm down bro we are trying to help"on of the guys said pushing me off them and sitting up. I punches him in the face making his nose bleed. "YOU TRY TO HELP BY PICKING UP A DEFENCLES SEVEN YEAR OLD AND CARY HER OFF? THATS NOT HELPING THATS KID NAPPING!! I yelled at both of them.

They both looked at each other then back at me and then started laughing. "We weren't kidnaping her we where gonna take her to dat place where you go when you get hurt we thought it was the least we could do sense we smashed the thing with the 4 weels that moves with are thing with the 4 weels that moves" they both laughed. They both had red eyes and smelled of weed and alcohol.

I got up and kicked both of them and then went over and picked up Lilly making sure she was ok. I found my phone and then called the cops and an ambulance and explained what all happened and then called Raven and told her what happened and told her all call her back and tell her what hospital to meat us at.

The same 2 guys where still on the ground laughing even more and now what was even worse they where smoking more. I put Lilly down carefully next to the car. I walked over to the 2 guys pissed off. I kicked the blunt out of one of there hands. "You two are already drunk and baked off your fucking tits I mean hell you just got into a reck injured two people and basically almost kidnapped a seven year old but yet you dumb shits are still going to smoke even more WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO ASS FACES" I yelled.

They where speechless and then they both laughed. "Your face is so red and your so mad you look and sound like a little lepercon" one of them said. The are obviously amarican and idiots non the less. Before I was about to kick both there teeth in the police and ambulances showed up.

I ran over and picked up Lilly. They put Lilly on the truck and then a cop asked me a lot of questions before arresting the two dumb shits and letting me on the ambulance with Lilly.


Ravens pov-

I ran into the hospital with the twins in there stroller. The lady at the desk told me what room to go to then I dashed down the hall ways and ran into the room.

Lilly was getting a cast put on and getting her cuts cleaned and covered. Jack was getting all patched up and he was getting a blood transfusion he must of lost a little to much blood. After the nurses and doctor finished with Lilly's cast I walked up to her and hugged her close and made sure she was ok.I then walked over to jack and hugged and kissed him making sure he was ok.

The doctor came up to me and told me that they where keeping jack and Lilly over night to keep an I on there bleeding and there concussions. They still had to run a few more cat scans on them to make sure there heads and everything els was ok. But so far Lilly has a broken leg, a fractured wrist, a concoction , 2 broken ribs, a lot of small cuts and bruises, and she had to get stitches on her forehead. Now there gonna go scan her head and check to see if her brain and skull is ok.

Jack has a broken nose a concussion 4 broken ribs a black eye and had to get stitched on his head 2 places on both his arms and on his leg and he lost a little to much blood. They where gonna scan his arms and head in just a second after they finished scanning Lilly.

They brought Lilly back and told me that her head was fine that she just had a bad concussion and that I needed to keep an eye on her expesioly when she's a sleep. And they told me the. Same about jack and they told me that the had to pop his left shoulder back in place but other then that they where both gonna be fine but just to be on the safe side they where gonna keep them over night.

I walked over and kissed jack and Lilly. I then looked over at the twins who where getting restless. "I'll be back I'm gonna go and drop the twins off at your mourners house and then bring you to back some clothes and some good food ok". "Why my mothers house and not yours" jack asked. "I told you my parents are out of town" I said back. "Oh yea ok well hurry back". I hugged both of them and and they smiled and then I grabbed the twins and left the hospital.

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