Chap 4

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Ravens pov-

I've been in the hospital for 3 days now the doctor said we can go home today but the baby's need to have names before we can leave. Jack came in with Lilly. She was all dressed out in a little black long sleeve shirt with black pants and a black tootoo on with a her long red hair in a bun with a black bow with a little blue skull on it and her little black vans on.

"Look mommy I dressed my self and I picked out my bow but daddy had to do my hair but I did everything els" Lilly said wile twinkling a round before sitting on the hospital bed next to me. "Good job Lilly you look so pretty" Lilly smiled and thanked me. "So did you decide on a name for the twins yet" I asked her as jack handed me the girl and went to change the boy.

"Mhmm I did ok so the girl is Shayleigh Siobhan Collins and the boy is Terron Axal Collins" Lilly said proudly that she got to name the twins. Me and jack looked at each other, then the twins then at Lilly back at each-other and then looked at Lilly again. "I love there names Lilly there perfect" jack said smiling wile holding Terron. "Are you sure jack I thought we where gonna use your last name since where getting married"? I whispered to Jack. "Well Raven I was gonna ask if it would be ok if I changed my last name instead of you changing yours that way we can change Lilly's to and we can all have the same last name I mean Lilly already thinks her last name is Collins any ways" Jack whispered back.

"Ok well jack Ik you have been deiyng to show every one on YouTube the baby's me and Lilly. Well since I know you always have your camera with you go ahead and take a video of us all together. You can show every one Terron and Shayleigh and Lilly". Jack smiled and got his camera ready wile handing me Terron so I could get him ready to leave and picking up Lilly".

"Top of the morning to you lady's I'm jackspecticeye" "and I'm Lillysepticeye" Lilly interrupted. "That's right and you might recognize her from when she runs in and out of the room wile I'm recording and I told you guys the story about her and Raven and well if some of you didn't get to see my tweet the twins are here". Jack walked over to me an the kids. "This is Raven and these are our kids Terron axle Collins and Shayleigh Siobhan Collins aren't they just so cute oh my god Raven we all need to get muffin beanies that is an amazing idea you guys here that ok some one find out where we can get muffin beanies and tell us where to get them ok that is you guises mission right now and life right now". I went over and kissed jack on the cheek the put Shayleigh in her car seat. "Ok guys well we the septiceye family will see all you dudes in the Lilly take it away". "THE NEXT VIDEO" Lilly yelled wile putting her arms in the air.

We fill out the papers and leave the hospital and we go home. when we get inside the house all of mine and all if jacks family are there to welcome the twins home.


I just wanted to thank the three amazing girls that helped Lilly with the baby's names @ThisIsMyMindMyDream @Kaytrain and @Siobhan28 you guys should go follow them they have amazing story's and Fanfictions

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