Chap 18

86 5 2

Ok people have been asking the ages of the kids and so I'm just gonna put it here Lilly  is about 17 and the twins are about 13-14 something like that
Here's the story

Jacks pov

Me and Shane where gonna show his new look to Tracy and Lilly. We walk
Down the stairs. When all of a sudden I feel as if something is shaking me and Shane suddenly looks up at me and starts yelling "sir sir can you hear me".

Everything went blank and then when I opened my eyes there was a police officer leaning over me. This is strange I'm back in the car crash me in Lilly got in on the way to take her to first grade.

I looked up at the man leaning over me trying to get me out of the fucked up car. "Wh..aat happened what's going on where am I w..herres my daughter"
I mumbled.

"Sir you where in a accident with an old man and his wife they where driving on the wrong side of the road cause the man couldn't see where the lanes where. Your daughter is already in the ambulance she's ok she might suffer a few injuries like a broken arm or a sprained ankle nothing to serious".

I looked at the cop with disbelief was everything that had happened for all those years just be a dream my imagination going waco. Could this all have been some weird way of life letting me know what to do and why not to. Could this all have been some nightmare. Life just telling me to pay more attention to Raven and the twins.

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