Chapter o1 ~{ Against All ODDS }~

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Jacob's P.O.V. / o4 Months Later

Life has thrown me some obstacle but I manage to get through them. After the reveal party things were rocky at first , Chresanto ended up cheating on me not even o2 days after I announced my pregnancy with Esshoe. I broke it off and we're still broken off. He moved out and left me with the house and Crissy.

There's alot to do when you're caring for a 6 year old and when you're a soon to be mommy in o2 and a half Months. But me being the strong person I am , I push through it. Especially when I have help from to amazing people. They're on their way here right now to help me with the nursery.

I'm having a babygirl that I can't wait to hold in my arms. Chyriee (Ky-ree) Blazin August is her name. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see how my little angle is doing.

There were rapid knocks at the door. I got up from my sectional and woddle my way towards the door. "Who is it?" I screamed. They kept knocking without answering. I Laughed to myself. I open the door there stood Luna with Nova on her hip, Ray doing the peepee dance, and a semi plup Saiige. I move to the side and Ray ran straight to the bathroom.

We all laughed and shook our heads. "So how y'all doing?" I asked sitting back on the sectional. "Well I'm amazing. I'm just bombed that she's going to be o1 very soon and dealing with Ray and his baby mother is super hard. I Can't believe that he actually cheated on me." I chuckled.

"Saiige? Whats going on with you and Rayan?" She shook her head. "It's horrible! I mean he doesn't like the fact that me and Luna get alone with eachother. He Says he doesn't have an issue with it but yes he do. I told Luna that my boyfriend was flying up here from Atlanta. I haven't told him about me being pregnant let alone that I still be around the person I cheated on him with. I'm sooo fucking stressed out!"

She said rubbing her temples and letting a tear slide Down Her cheeks. "Everything is going to be okay. We'll help you through everything." I said pointing to Luna and myself . "Beside us how are you? Really?" Luna ask.

I took a long and deep breath preparing myself for the tears. "I'm good." I said dryly. Saiige and Luna shook their heads. " No how are you really Jacob and don't sit here and lie to us!" Saiige yelled.

Luna went upstairs to lay Nova down and to tell Ray to get started on the nursery. She sat back down. "Yesss! So tell us now!" Luna screamed making me jump a little.

" I'm good." I said trying my hardest to make them and especially myself believe that I'm good.

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