Michael Myers /1/

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Your parents decided to move far away and let you have their old house. You never had a good relationship with them, so you didn't mind. Besides, you have a big house all to yourself, which suits you best of all. You've been living with your friend until now, and since you're a person who likes silence, it really bothered you.



Now you're standing in front of a big house that's matched to white and brown. The movers should be here soon, so you've had time to look around.. You were walking around your house right now, and you realized you could have a good relationship with your neighbors. Why don't you say hello? It went through your head and you looked around with a smile. There was no house on your left, but there was a big brown house on the other side. The house looked a little neglected, but that didn't stop you. While you were rearranging the little road, you noticed that everyone who passed the house stayed as far away as possible. Um, weird. You thought, and stopped at the door of the house.

You knocked and waited for an answer, but nothing happened. When you gave up and left the house, you turned around one more time. You looked in the windows and saw a figure in blue overalls and a white mask over his head staring at you. A chill ran down your back and suddenly you felt cold. You stared at each other for a good four minutes until you decided to wave. You raised your hand and waved with a smile at the strange man who was still staring at you. You wanted to go back to the door, but you saw the movers arrive and you had to run after them.

Two hours passed while you were helping the movers and setting up the house. When they left, you went into your house and looked around happily. It looks exactly the way you wanted it, just unpack the little things and the clothes and it's all done, but that's enough for today. It was dark outside so you decided to take a bath. After a while, you were in your pajamas, sitting on the couch with ice cream in your hand. You were looking at (y/f/m) and when you finished your ice cream, you were slowly falling asleep under the blanket on the couch.

When you were peacefully sleeping, probably dreaming of nice things, someone snuck into your house quietly and without your knowledge... That someone was Michael Myers, watching you sleep.

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