Freddy Krueger /2/

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You looked at the clock and it said six in the morning. You sighed and got out of bed. You were headed to the bathroom where you looked in the mirror and you were scared of what you saw. Your throat showed a weaker grip, as if you were being strangled. It wasn't a dream, you thought, looking in the mirror in horror.

You spent all day thinking about that dream that was real. Once you even thought you'd done it to yourself, that you'd choked in your sleep, but you pushed the thought away. Because of what happened, you couldn't focus on your work, so you went to your boss and said you had a headache and you were going to finish it at home.

After you locked the door behind you, you put your things away and went to the kitchen where you made coffee. You needed to wake up somehow, damn it. All of a sudden, his words flashed through your mind.. How did he know you?And did you know him? Ah too many questions, not enough answers. You spent all day trying to forget what happened with all kinds of activities, but to no avail. Books, movies, and social media didn't help at all.

It was evening, and you ran a bath to relax a little. After you finished your hygiene and sent the job to your boss, you got into bed, but you were afraid to sleep. What if I wake up there again? What if he hurts me more this time? Worse, kill? While you were asking yourself these questions, you were unconsciously falling asleep.



To your horror, you woke up on the same ground as before. You started to panic and looked around to see if the guy was around. "Are you looking for me, (Y / n)?" A deep voice asked, and you knew who the voice belonged to. Tears started showing in your eyes, and he noticed it right away. Within a second he was there, wiping away your tears with his finger. You just stared at him. 

"How do you know my name?" You asked him in a shaky voice and he looked at you immediately. "Oh my dear (Y / n) .. You don't remember me? Ouch," he laughed, but you didn't find it very funny. "You've always been so smiling, what happened to you just frowning?" He asked, and you looked into each other's eyes. "W-what? I don't know where I am, who you are, and why the hell you're in my dreams!" You screamed and turned away from him. Okay, maybe it wasn't very nice of you, but all you needed was answers, not for a stranger to make fun of you.

"Don't you remember your childhood best friend? Freddy. Doesn't that ring a bell, huh?" He looked and sounded a little angry, but you just stared at him. Freddy? It rings a bell, but you can't remember.. "I-I, uh.." You swallowed and looked away. Seconds later, he was right in front of you, grabbing your cheeks to look at him.

"Freddy krueger. You came to me every day when you were little. Do you remember now?" God, Freddy! That Freddy you kept playing with, your one and only best friend! But ... "B-but you're ... D-dead," you said slowly, a shaky voice, looking into his blue eyes.

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