Jason Voorhees /1/

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When you were a kid, you went to a camp called Crystal Lake.. Your only friend was a boy with a disfigured face but he had the most good heart of all.His name was Jason. Every time someone bullied him for the way he looked, you defended him even though you never won. You were close enough to meet your parents. But one day, unfortunately, it all ended.. Bullying went too far, and Jason drowned in the lake. You couldn't save him, it was too late. The camp was closed, Jason's mother was also supposedly dead, and you never ventured into any camp again.



- Years later -

You and your brother's friends are going to some secret party at one of the long-forgotten camps. You weren't like them, you never broke any rules, and you never drank or smoked. But it was your brother's birthday and he begged you for so long, of course you agreed. His friends seem nice and polite at first glance, but if you've known them for a long time, you'll find their hearts are really bad. They don't take anyone seriously, they gossip and bully. You hated those kinds of people.

When you arrived at the site, you should all have chosen cottages. It was supposed to be divided into girls and boys, but you didn't want to share a room with some chick, so you chose your own cabin, which was a long way from the others. You all started taking your stuff out of the trunk, and you started to feel like you were being watched. You looked around but you didn't see anyone so you let it go and minded your own business. The feeling of someone's eyes on your back followed you to your cabin. Damn, it freaked you out a lot.

While everyone else was drinking and swimming in the lake, you were reading peacefully on the porch. You made a little picnic out of a pillow and a blanket. You drank tea and ate (y/f/c - your favourite cookies).

It was evening, and you were all sitting by the fire. Everyone around you was drinking and talking when suddenly you felt that feeling again, like someone was watching you. You were so scared and didn't want to be out in the dark. "Guys, I'm gonna go to my cabin," you said, and everyone turned to you. "Yeah, sure, you're just sitting here and you're no fun," said Lea, your brother's girlfriend. You were angry and wanted to punch her but you were also sad that she was right. Everyone except your brother started laughing so you turned around and walked across the woods towards your cabin. You were almost there but suddenly heard screaming. You turned and ran to that scream, which was a few steps away. When you came to where the screams were coming out, you saw blood on the ground. Your blood suddenly went cold and you couldn't move.

Your blood suddenly went cold and you couldn't move. When you heard a branch snap, you turned to face the sound of someone standing there. And that someone was tall Guy with a hockey mask and a machete in his hand, looking right at you.

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