Michael Myers /2/

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you woke up and put the ice cream bowl in the sink. You wanted to start unpacking boxes, but before that, you made breakfast. While you were eating, your thoughts strayed to the weird guy in the mask. Nobody wears a mask at home, right? And he was just looking at you. Not gonna lie, it kind of freaked you out. After you had finished eating and washed the dirty dishes, you went into the living room full of boxes.

All you heard was silence, so you decided to make it more enjoyable and play some songs. It was about two hours, when you suddenly heard a loud bang coming from your room. You got so scared, almost dropped the glass you were about to put on the shelf. You put the glass down carefully and slowly approached your room. You opened the door and all you saw was darkness, which was weird because it was afternoon and there was light outside.

Out of nowhere, two big hands grabbed your weist and turned you around. You wanted to scream but his one hand was on your mouth. Your eyes opened wide when you saw that weirdo in the white mask in front of you.

You stood there without moving, looking into each other's eyes. You couldn't move because his grip was very strong. Tears started dripping out of your eyes and he took his hand out of your mouth. "Wh-what do you want from me?" You said in a trembling voice, and your eyes focused only on his dark ones.

When he didn't answer, you put your hands on his chest and tried to push him away. I guess it pissed him off because he growled and suddenly picked you up for wedding style. Your faces would be about two inches apart if he wasn't wearing that white mask. You blushed a little, but you quit right away. He broke into your house! You were thinking and didn't notice that he put you on your bed.

You backed up to the wall with your back to it. "Do you.. Want to kill me?" You asked in a trembling voice. He shook his head and stood there like a pillar. "Then what do you want from me?!" You ran out of patience and yelled at him, but you immediately regretted it. From second to second, he was in front of you, holding a sharp knife under your throat.

Shit. I'm dead, you said to yourself, tears running like a waterfall. You closed your eyes and waited for the pain, but none came. You felt something on your face and opened your eyes to see this guy stroking your cheeks with his hand and wiping away tears.



Hi! I'm so sorry this chapter is a little short. I wrote it last night and couldn't think of anything -_- ..Next chapter will be longer ofc! :)

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