Brahms /2/

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On that day you did everything necessary and at the moment you were sitting in a chair with a glass of wine in your hand. All of a sudden you heard a bang. You got up and walked down the stairs, shaking. "Is anyone there?" You called, but no one answered.

"We got you, bitch," said someone behind your back. Some men came out of the darkness and approached you slowly. "What.. What the hell do you want from me?!" You screamed and tried to run, but one of them caught you and stopped you from escaping. They started to lead you somewhere, but there was a bang from the wall. You all turned to the sound and waited to see what happened next. "Hold her," one of them commanded, and went to the wall.

As soon as he put his ear to the wall, the wall shattered, and after a while a guy with a porcelain mask on his face came out. "What the fuck,"The one holding you swore and tried to drag you away, but before he could do so, the masked man grabbed him and threw him against the wall.

When all those guys were on the ground and you just sat there shocked, that man turned to you. "Brahms?" You asked, and he nodded. There were an awful lot of thoughts going through your head. How is he alive? He faked his death? And why the hell would he do that? You were jolted out of your trance by Brahms, who was kneeling before you at the moment, looking at you through his porcelain mask. You didn't know what to do when he leaned over and made a noise like he was sniffing you.. Oh god, how he loved your scent.

"Brahms!" You screamed, to which he flinched and stared at you with a question in his masked face. "You know the rules..It's bedtime." You didn't care that there were two possibly dead people lying next to you, and their killer was standing right before you. All you needed to do right now was get rid of Brahms so you could figure out what to do next.

He stood for a moment staring at you, then straightened up and you both went to his room. Unfortunately, you didn't have anything to defend yourself, so you had to be careful. You walked up to his bed. Brahms lay down and you covered him with a blanket. "Good night Brahms," you said, turning to leave, but his hand grabbed your arm and pulled you closer. 

"W-what's going on?" You asked, confused. "Goodnight kiss." He said, with your surprised face at how childlike his voice is, since he's already a grown man. "..Brahms, you were a bad boy today, so no goodnight kiss." You wanted to leave, but his grip on your arm only tightened. "O-okay then," you said, leaning toward him. What else were you supposed to do? He could have just killed you with one punch the way those two guys did. You approached and pressed your lips to his porcelain mask where his forehead should be. Brahms sat down, without interrupting physical contact. He took your cheek and directed you towards his lips. I mean, where they should be on his mask. He shifted his head, and in doing so deepened and intensified the kiss. You quickly pulled away from him, said good night, and left the room.

 And this is how your life with Brahms began.

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