Jason Voorhees /3/

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As you walked through the woods together, his grip suddenly tightened. You looked at him and found him staring at you. He's probably asking for directions, you told yourself, and so you led him, still holding hands. You led him to your cabin, where you entered. You let go of his hand and started looking for what you came for. When you found it about five minutes later, you went back to Jason's and handed him the pencil paper.

"This is paper and pencil. If you can't talk, all you have to do is write it here on the paper. It's better that we understand each other now that I'm supposed to stay here with you," you handed him the things with a smile, and he started writing. It took him a while, probably because he hadn't written in a long time. When he turned and handed you the paper, you read what he wrote. "Jason Voorhees" You read aloud and suddenly a smile fell from your lips.

You didn't wait a second, and you pulled him into your arms. The tears started to come out of your eyes, and then you felt him hug you, too. "H-how long have you been here alone?" You asked him, and he started writing more words on the paper. "20 years" When you read it, you got stuck. He was alone for so long, you said sadly in your head, and then you hugged him harder.

"I promise you won't be alone anymore," you whispered, and his grip tightened. After a while, you pulled away from each other and walked to the lake. "Wait... How are you alive? I saw you d-die," you asked him, and with sadness on your face, when you remembered that day you were for the last time in this camp.



You ran to the lake where you saw Jason drowning. You held out your hand and shouted his name to grab you, but it was too late.. Jason slowly disappeared under the water, and at that moment you were screaming with tears in your eyes. Your parents came and dragged you away from that place and the last thing you saw was Jason's mother.


"You knew it was me?" you asked, and after a while he nodded. "And why didn't you- Oh right, I forgot," you laughed shyly, and then saw Jason approaching you.. You started blushing and he put his hand on your face. All of a sudden you heard a bang and Jason became alert. He turned quickly away from you, picked up his machete, and stopped at the door. He turned to you as if to say "don't go anywhere" and you nodded. Jason stormed out of the cabin after that, and you were sitting alone on the floor.



You were making a sandwich when you suddenly felt like someone was behind you. You turned around and saw Jason covered in blood. "Hey, you can't just walk up to me! I'm about to have a heart attack," you made a joke. "Come with me," you said, taking his hand, dragged him up the stairs to the bathroom, where you turned on the shower and back to Jason. "Well, you can take a shower while I make something to eat," you said quickly and went to the door, but Jasonn's hand caught you and turned you back to him. "What?" Jason just stood there looking at you from top to bottom.


Guuuys, do you want some lemon in the next chapter with Jason? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Ell

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