Roles changed | Ghostface x killer! Reader

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- For Aura-Thority -

"Yeah yeah, feed her at six, then play a story and go to bed. I get it, you're telling me for the hundredth time, now go enjoy yourself and don't worry." I put the phone down with a sigh. "Auntie, what's to eat?" A little blonde girl beside me said. "Hang on a minute, I was about to make you something. But your mom left the rest of lunch food in the fridge, so take your pick. Either leftovers or..or.." Come on Y/N, what quick you could offer her. "Spaghetti!" She screamed. "No, Ellie, Mom said you can't eat anything heavy at night. How about a pasta salad?" I said to Ellie, who was looking at me with her puppy face. Ah dang it, why are the little ones so cute?
"All right. But we keep it to ourselves, okay?" I whispered, to which she nodded, and went back to play with the dolls.

Soon it was time for bed. I put Ellie to sleep and then went into the living room. I didn't have anything to do because the house was cleaned and Ellie was also taken care of. I was sitting on the sofa watching a TV show when the phone rang. "Yes, please?" I asked. "Hello Y/N," the voice on the other side of the phone answered. Shocked, I opened my eyes wide. "How do you know my name?" Instead of answering, he asked me something else. "You like horror movies, Y/N?" I thought for a moment before answering him.. Heh, if he wants to play, I'm in.

"I love them," I answered and paused the TV show to hear him better. "What's your favorite?" I stopped for a second. "I have no idea. There are so many I like and can't decide, haha." ... "What are you doing now?" ... "Why do you ask that?" ... "I'm curious." ... "Watching a TV show." ... "I'd like to join." ... "Uh, sure?" ... "But instead of a show, we'd do better things than that." ... "Are you flirting with me right now?" ... "Maybe." ... "I'm not interested, thank you," was my last sentence, and then I hung up the phone. But it rang again. "What's your point, huh?" I was already mildly enraged. "Just to talk. Do you like riddles?"

Is he really trying to piss me off? God, why am I wasting my time with him? "Hey, I'm not in the mood to talk to a stranger. Don't call me again, I'm hanging up."... "Wait."... "Im Waiting."... "Is Ellie asleep?"... "Yes she's already.. Wait, how do you know th-"... "Let's play a game Y/N." ... "I don't want to play a fucking game with you, leave me and Ellie alone, or I guarantee I'll break every limb on your body." I hung up, then waiting to see if he'd call again. But he didn't, thank God. About two minutes later there was a sound of breaking bathroom glass. I didn't hesitate and run to the kitchen, where I got the sharpest knife there was. I listened for footsteps or anything, but to no avail, then went into the living room and looked around. It was all dark, the only light shining from the TV screen of the paused show.

I just stood there for a moment, but about half a meter away there were footsteps, and when they were near me I drove the knife in my hand into the man now standing in front of me. Or so I thought. His hand, shrouded in black cloth, held my hand in strong grip. I didn't stab anything, but if I had brought the knife even an inch closer, it would have been stuck in his chest. I looked at the person in front of me. He was taller than me, wearing some sort of black cloak and a ghostface mask like the one in the horror movie. Before I could react, he twisted my arm until it almost broke. I screamed in pain. "You bastard." I got out of his grip, kicked his legs, and cut his knee. Right after that, I ran into the kitchen to get my phone and called the police. But before I could say anything, a hand wrapped around my mouth and silenced me.

While we continued to fight each other, the police were already looking up my location from the phone. Good thing Ellie has a soundproof room and sleeps like a corpse.. Well, that wasn't a good metaphor considering the current situation. Unexpectedly, he pinned me to the kitchen counter, and the knife that had been in my hand was suddenly perilously attached to my throat. I swallowed so loud I heard it myself. I expected him to cut me, stab me in the chest or anything that might hurt me, but.. Nothing happened. We stared into each other's eyes and I just waited. We both probably heard the police outside and banging on the door, which is why we both came out of the trance. "Next time we won't be disturbed." He said, and the knife was gone of my throat with the ghostface. What that was about? I have no idea. But I was looking forward to the day we would meet again.

A/N: I am sooo sorry you had to wait so long for the next chapter. I haven't gotten to the computer at all :|.. See you next time,
- Ell

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