And so.. | Michael Myers x Reader

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( There will be slight spicy scene, so if it bothers you, read only until this sign appears: )
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Is it a sin to fall in love with a masked killer, who happens to live in my house? Maybe. Was it even planned to fall in love with him? No. But on one fateful night, when I sued to doubt, everything became clear.

y/n's pov.
"Ugh.." It came out of me when I fell to the ground, sweating.
"Y/N, you're not very good today, honey." My dance teacher, Chloe, picked me up off the ground. "Yeah, I've got a lot going on. Plus a bit of a love-life crisis," I replied.
"Ah, I see. And you don't want to.. You know, tell me about it? Your admirer? As a friend to a friend." She said.
"For that, we must first sit still somewhere."
"Agree. I'll go get some wine."

"For start.. I'm the admirer. And he's the victim. Or so it seems." ..
"Understood. And what is your relationship with each other?" .. Well, he's a killer who wears white mask, the same clothes every day, doesn't talk, oh and lives at my house. Yeah, I can't really tell her that.
"It's complicated. I just don't know how he feels about me and since he's not completely.. How to put this. A nice guy who would bring me flowers? I can't tell if he either hates me or doesn't really care how I feel. But sometimes there are slight signs between us, like we touch hands and he doesn't flinch, which is a rare situation by the way, because other times he doesn't let himself be touched. Or he just looks at me and when I let him know that I see him, he totally ignores me. Or..."

And that's how the conversation between my coach and best friend went, which ended up going nowhere. Then I took a shower at her house and went home. How much did I drink? Enough to even forget the way to my own house. Luckily, Michael and I have a signal in case I'm in danger. I don't know if being drunk and forgetful is a danger, but I simply needed help now. I just hope he's not angry, or in a bad mood, cuz if, he'd probably let me freeze here.

So I picked up my phone and texted an unknown number; "_ _ _ _ . _ _. "
It's Morse code, which means "Help me."Subtle and practical.
Several minutes passed, and still no sign of Michael. He knows where I go to dances and the way there, so it shouldn't be a problem. Meanwhile, I sat on the curb. I waited, waited and still waited. I was looking at the concrete ground, and that's when I saw someone's shoes standing in front of me. My eyes rested upward on the person. It was Michael. He stared at me with nothing but a masked, emotionless face.

I wanted to smile and start talking to him like I always do. But then it hit me. Why should I be nice when he treats me exactly the opposite? I stood up and tried not to make any eye contact.
"I was drinking and forgot the way home. Go, I'll follow you," I said without looking at him, and after a few seconds he started walking home.

We ignored each other all the way. When we got home I quickly took off my shoes, put my coat on the rack, and then went quickly to my bedroom. I changed into something comfortable, which was an oversize shirt and black shorts. The feeling of melting my hair all day long was indescribable.
I texted Chloe that I got home safe and then put my phone on a charger. At that point, I had nothing to do, so I went to make some tea, didn't even wonder if Michael had eaten. The water was boiling, and in the meantime I put the sugar and tea bag in the cup. I leaned against the counter while noticed Michael, who had just walked into the house all wet. He was probably outside and it started raining.

He noticed me, and that's why I turned my back on him. Within seconds, though, I felt someone's chest leaning against my back. It was Michael's chest. My heart started beating so fast and loud, I was surprised I didn't have a heart attack. A piece of paper appeared in front of my face. I took it in my hand and read what was written on it. "I'm hungry. And don't act weird." That's when my nerves snapped. "Excuse me? Don't act weird?" I couldn't hold on.
"You want to know why I'm being fucking weird?!" And had no idea what I was doing.
I threw away the piece of paper I'd been clutching in my hand with rage and briskly lifted the lower end of his mask up to his nose. He probably didn't see it coming and stood there like a rock. I lifted myself up on my toes, closed my eyes, and pressed my lips against his.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and moved a few inches away from his face. I looked at his shocked eyes, which showed something. Something dangerous, but not in the sense that he wanted to kill me. Well now that I've replayed what I did, I wouldn't be suprised.

"Oh my- I.. I'm so sorry, I, I-" Didn't know what to do or say, he saved me from the awkward situation. But in a different way than I would have expected him to. In fact, I expected everything. Like everything.. But instead he took me by the neck (not hard enough to hurt me) brought closer again and kissed me hungrily. We both moved our lips harmoniously, and by the second it grew to the temperature of our bodies, rubbing against each other.
His tongue broke into my mouth and began to explore all the corners. Our saliva was pooling together, and when I felt his hands under my shirt slowly making their way to my breasts, I started to panic.
"Michael, wait a minute." I said between kisses and tried to push him back, but instead he took both my hands and pinned them firmly to the cupboard at the top. I sighed into his mouth as his cold fingers reached my bare nipples, hardened by his touch.
"Michael!" I screamed louder and he stopped. "I've never.." I didn't know how to say it and was so embarrassed too. But he seemed to get it. He nodded his head slightly, pulled the mask back down, and just stared at me.
"I'm not ready. There will be a time when we can continue. But in the meantime, please let's just stay for kissing"
He stared at me, and then started writing something on the other side of the paper, which was already crumpled.
"And so?" I read aloud and immediately started blushing.
"And so.."

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So... I don't know 100 percent yet, but I would like to delete all previous chapters. I mean not all of them of course, just leave the three (now four) last, because I don't like all the others before that.
And second message.. Would you like a face reveal? 🤩

- Ell <3

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