Chapter One: The Beginning

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"RING!!! (Think of the most annoying alarm song you can)" ugh, it's morning already? I could have sworn I just closed closed my eyes.

"Turn that damn thing off!"

I swing my arm over to my alarm slamming on top of it to turn it off. 7:00. Rolling over to my right side, I see a sleepy looking Jake at my side, staring at me.

"And how did you sleep, sleeping beauty?" I ask him, my groggy sarcasm clearly there. He responds by flipping me off. "Good morning to you too," I chuckled as I sit up in my bed. Jake ignores my comment and puts his pillow over his head.

I get up on my feet, grab my change of clothes for the day, and head out of the room.

"Don't leave without me!"

"Get you're ass out of bed then, and maybe you won't be left!" I yell back at him. I head down the hall and to the bathroom. On the way I peak into one of the other's rooms. Thankfully, Jesse, the eldest foster kid who lives here, was already gone. We don't exactly get along with him.

Once in the bathroom, I change into my oversized white long sleeved shirt with jeans and my Reeboks. After looking at my hair, I just decide to but it in a messy bun. I brush my teeth, and exit the bathroom heading back to my room. Jake is nowhere in sight, so hopefully he's doing something productive. I look at the time. 7:20. Cool. School starts at 8:00, so I have 15 minutes before I have to leave. I go to by bed, put on my glasses that were placed on the windowsill, and head downstairs to grab some breakfast.

Once downstairs, I am greeted with a big gust of cool air from an open window. Who the hell opened up the window? Disregarding that, I grabbed an apple and grabbed my book from my bag, "to kill a mockingbird". "Jake I'm leaving with or without you!!!" and with that I head out the door.


The cool wind of Rockport, Maine hit my face as I read my book walking to school. This was one of the highlights of my day. A 15 minute walk from the foster home to school, reading my book with not a care in the world, before the day officially started, not worrying about anythi―

"Y/N WAIT UP!" Of course. I knew it was too good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I love Jake, he's my brother, but everyone needs a little self time. "You said―you'd wait for―me," he says, clearly out of breath from running from the house. Damn, how did I get stuck with him?

Jake is what you would call a "boy next door". He is fairly good looking, about 5'7, light skinned with dirty blonde hair, scattered freckles all across his face and green eyes. Everyone at school says he would be one of the kings of the school if he hung out with "a different crowd". And by different crowd, they mean me. I'm not the most popular at school. Didn't really make the best first impression when I first got here, so I'm now known as the outcast of Rockport. We've also been caught in some suspicious situations. He could be so much more if it wasn't for me. No matter how many times I tell him to leave me he says,"why would I hang with a bunch of fake wannabes when I've got a perfect, real, once-in-a-lifetime friend right here?" A suck up I know. But now we both get picked on and bullied. No one wins.

"I told you to be ready by the time I left," I say looking up from my book. "plus I told you when I was leaving." I'm now looking in his eyes. "Did you not hear me yelling?"

"Oh trust me I think the whole block heard you," Jake says while lightly chuckling. I roll my eyes and looked back down at my book. "Aw come on Y/N, don't be mad. Ellen was getting on my case on how we got home late again. Your lucky you left early, but just know you have a heated lecture coming your way after school." Oh, yay. At least I have something to look forward to(yes, that was sarcasm) Ellen is our foster mom. She started fostering kids after her son disappeared when she was seven back in '72, way before we were with her. We don't really know much about her daughter, and Jake, Jesse nor I really wants to ask, nor how to ask.

"Whatever," I sigh as I close my book. "Isn't the first lecture and it won't be the last." We weren't doing anything bad last night, just didn't want to go home after school. I looked over at Jake. His hair was styled messy covering his eyes with a black tee and a zip-up jacket paired with washed-out jeans and white converse.

"Take a Polaroid, it'll last longer ." I snap out of my thoughts to see Jake looking straight at me with that stupid smirk of his. I got caught staring. I flip him off and push him off the sidewalk. He just laughs and continues walking. To anyone else we look like a teenage couple, but the thing is, we've never thought of each other that way. I mean I admit, he's cute, but I would never ruin our bond, and he feels the same. We've gone through too much to waste our relationship on a few months of teen love.

"So you heard anything about the new kids coming to our school today?" Jake asks while taking my book out of my hands.

New kids, what new kids?

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you ever pay attention? How are you smarter than me when you don't even pay attention?" I shrug at him while attempting to snatch my book back, but he just puts the book up over my head right out of my reach. After a little struggle, I manage to get my book back.

"Dick." I say under my breath. "Anyways, what about these new kids?" I look up to see us entering the gates of Christiansen High school.

Jake ruffles his hair and replies, "All I know about them is there's A boy and a girl in our grade from Hawkins, Indiana." He grabs me, stopping me at the steps of the main building. He looked at me while holding onto my arm when saying, "Do you think it's because of what we saw on the news last month?" He looks at me with the saddest eyes. "Do you think it's related to what happened to us?" I wanted to lie to him. I wanted to tell him that he had nothing to worry about. I wanted to tell him those people can never hurt us again. I wanted to tell him we were safe. After we left and found the foster home, around the time I was 8, and he was 9, Jake developed a PTSD to everything that happened. I did as well, but I can hide mine better than he can. For the first couple months, he never spoke and wouldn't leave our room. I would find him crying in the corner having panic attacks and going to dark places mentally. I luckily have kept him from being taken by the darkness and that's when he developed the goofy care-free attitude, putting a shield in front of his feelings. But his shields cracks sometimes, and I see the scared little boy from years ago I comforted and told we were safe. But I can't tell him that right now.

"I- I don't know, Jake. It could be, but I honestly don't know." I see all hope drain from his eyes. Before I start to lose him, I grab onto his hand, and tell him, "Hey, no matter what happens, I'm here, and as long as we're together, nothings gonna happen, ok?"

He looks at me hesitantly before asking, "Promise?"

I smile and squeeze his hand. "Have I ever lied to you?" I see him smile and I know we're ok. And with that we head into the school.


And that is the first chapter!!! I know it's slow right now but it will pick up in the next couple chapters. And yea, that's it :)


"Why Did You Leave?" Stranger Things x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora