Chapter Twenty: Connecting The Dots

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"You're what?"

"Are you Russian?" 

"Jim's alive?" 

The words stung as the last question came from Mrs. Byer's mouth. It was more so the way she said it. It carried a lot of pain as it rang through everyone's ears. I nod my head, looking down not wanting to make eye contact with any of the adults in the room. We told them what had happened in town which led to us revealing our involvement with Dr. Brenner and the others. Joyce was taking this news the worst. But from what the others told me of what she's been through, there was no room to judge. Worry was the only expression that could be read on her face. Mike's parents left the room to care for his younger sister who was awoken by all the ruckus. Steve along with the rest just looked sorry for us as our minds were picked for information. 

"I have two questions." The eyes shifted to Mrs. Byers who looked spaced out on the floor. 

"Of course, however we can help." Jake wore a sincere smile as the words left his mouth directed to the frazzled looking woman. 

She looked up and made eye contact with both of us, her eyes shone with tears which threatened to leave her eyes. "Do you two have any idea where Jane could be right now?" I thought for a moment thinking of any place where Brenner could have taken Jane, but...

"The only place I can think of would have been the lab, but it shut down last year. So sadly, no I don't." I look towards Jake to see if he had something. He just shakes his head no. Joyce nods and continues with her second question. 

"Do you know what Brenner wants with her?" 

I think back, thinking I might actually have an answer to this one. "Jane was always the special one of the group. She was the strongest, smartest, I mean, she could do a hell of a lot more than any of us could. Jane's power is in some way similar to all the kids in that room with the exception of two, one being Kali. She was their star. I'm sure he'll try to use her government business. That's all we were ever used for."

"But I don't know how effective she'll be since she lost the ability to use her power." Jake brought up a really good point. Even if they knew where we were, they most likely had no knowledge that Jane has been unable to use her power for quite some time now. I mean, it's not like they could read... It's not like they could read our... our... 

"Hey, could I see that again?"

There's no way. 

 I walked over to Joyce who was holding the paperwork we had received earlier that night. I flip to the picture pf the familiar girl, staring at her picture. It kind of looks like- 

I gasp, covering my mouth with one hand, the other shaking while gripping the photo tighter. "Hey, what happened?" Jake immediately appeared at my side, following my gaze to the photo in front of me. "Who is that?" Everyone is now gathered around the photo. 

It's really her. 


Jake looks from me back to the photo, eyes going wide once he makes the connection. 

"Zero, who's Zero?" Mike asked, saying what was on everyone's mind. 

"Sh-she was a girl who arrived around the time we left. She was around the same age as us, maybe a year or two younger. They decided to use the number "000" instead of "012" for some reason. She was different though. She lived in the normal world. She wasn't raised from birth in the lab. She even had a name. Sarah." 

It was now Joyce who gave us a confused response. "Wait, her name was what?" 

"Sarah." Joyce had tears in her eyes and put her head between her knees. Confusion was shared throughout the room at the current action. Will went beside her to try to calm her down. 

"I think I understand now," she started through sniffles. We all waited for her to share her findings with the rest of us. "Sarah, she's Hopper's daughter."

I don't think anyone was expecting that. The room was filled with comments as time was took to process the bomb that Joyce had just dropped. 

"Hopper had a daughter?"

Joyce nods her head. "She was Jim's life. He would do anything for that girl. When she was 7, they found out she had cancer and, well she didn't make it... well I guess she did- I don't know." She let out a big sigh and hid her eyes behind her hands. 

"It was Kali." Jake let out a tsk before continuing. "I remember she was being prepped for a project, something none of us knew about. She was gone for about a week. When she came back, Zer- I mean Sarah showed up the next day. Kali must of used her power to show Hopper his daughter dying when in reality she was taken by the lab." 

"When I was looking for Will, when he went missing, we had just gotten back from visiting a woman. It wasn't as helpful as I had hoped, and almost let that destroy my drive to keep searching. I mean, the chance of finding him at the time was scarce. Hopper told me how he would have done anything for a chance. Something he didn't have and I did." She took another breath. "I just don't understand how he survived." 

To think we were all strangers a week ago, but in reality, were much more connected than we realize. 

"So, what do we do now?" 


So, lots of information, lots of explanation (Not all of it, but some) 

With the new trailers that got released, My theory isn't too far off anymore. *Shrugs*



"Why Did You Leave?" Stranger Things x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz