Chapter Nine: The Byers

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It was dark outside once Ellen was done grilling me about yesterday's incident. She kept asking why I had to be so problematic. Why I couldn't be like Jesse. Yup she really went there. Jesse has never gotten a disciplinary letter, or been sent to the principal, or even gotten detention. If only she knew.

I never try to defend myself anymore. I tried doing that the first time this happened in sixth grade. Got sent home after I got into a fight a week into school. She wouldn't listen to me after I tried to tell her the reason the fight even happened. From that point on I just let her take it out on me, nod my head every once in a while, and keep my mouth shut.

I'm sent to my room with no dinner as I expected. I wasn't even hungry.

"SEND JAKE AND JESSE DOWN FOR HIS DINNER SINCE YOUR UP THERE!" Ellen yells to me once I'm at the top of the steps. I raise my hand above my head to flip her off. She didn't see it, but it's the gesture that counts.

"So, another disciplinary action?" Jesse says. He's leaning on his doorframe with a smug smile. I look down and see his shoe is untied. "Have you and Jake finally been kicked out?" He started laughing after, turning around to walk away. Before he gets far, I step on his shoelace, resulting in him falling over onto the floor with a thud. I quickly head to my room while containing my laughter.

"Jake, go downstairs for dinner," I say while finally letting go of my laughter. He's sitting on his bed reading a comic book. The Amazing Spider-Man #248. "Jake. Go down and eat." No answer. "Hello? Earth to Jake?" Silence. "Dude, just because I'm not eating doesn't mean you can't.""Um, yea it does." He turns the page.

"You know she's gonna flip like last time if you don't go down and eat so please just go," I sigh falling on my bed. From the corner of my eye I see Jake sit up and face towards me. I turn my head. "Please. Go eat food for me."

There's a knock at the door. "Yo, asshat! Get downstairs for dinner!"

"Not hungry, fuck off!" Jake reply's. I look at him with an annoyed glare, and he stares back."Tell Ellen he'll be down in a minute!" We hear footsteps receding down the hall. I turn my attention back to Jake. "Jake, please. Just go down and eat."

"Why?" He started. "So I can sit there listening to Ellen talk about how much of a burden you are while stuffing her face full of food? No thank you." I sigh. I wouldn't be able to sit at a table if that was the topic either.

"Ok. Whatever."

(The next day)

The school day went by quick.

Before I knew it was the weekend. Thank god. I think we all need one.

We were all on our way home from school, and by all I mean, Jane, Will, Jake and I. We took the creek path again. The subject was about Jane's power.

"Wait, so your telling me you haven't been able to use your power since July 4th?" I ask. "That's two whole months!"

"I know. It's like they've disappeared." She looks down at her feet while we continue walking. "I'm sure they'll come back." We all stay silent for a while, not really sure what to say after that.

"Oh! By the way, this weekend, some friends from home are coming to visit for Labor Day weekend," says Will sounding excited.

"Oh, from your hometown?" I asked Will. He nods his head yes, still grinning from the excitement of his friends coming to visit. I share a not so exhilarated smile back immediately looking over to Jake as we look over to Jane as well.

"Don't worry, they know everything, went through everything. There's nothing to worry about. You guys can trust them," Jane tells us as we all continue walking alongside the creek. I relax a bit listening to her words, but a part of me is still worried about new people.

I clear away my worrying thoughts. "So, when are they coming?"

"Well let's see, Mike shows up tomorrow morning with his mom and Nancy, and Dustin and Max are tagging along with Lucas's family tomorrow night," Will informs us. So that's six people along with parents who know what's going on. Wait a minute....

"Hey, now that I think about it, you guys never told us your story on what happened in Hawkins." We turn left and start climbing up the creek bank back onto the street. I look over to Jake to see him launching rocks to the side of him.

"Maybe we should wait for the others to get here tomorrow," Will says.

"Yea, that's a good idea," Jake agreed.

I think a second before nodding my head. Tomorrow's gonna be interesting.

(The next day)

"Y/N wake up!" I feel by body being rocked back and forth. I try to shoo whoever away so I can continue sleeping, but I fail. After another plead to wake up, I open my eyes to the view of a blurry Jake. His hair is already done and he's dressed.

I groan. "Ugh, wh- what time is it?" I ask looking towards the clock. All I see is a blur as my eyes aren't adjusted with the light. (Plus I'm blind as fuck)

"It's 9:47. We have to go to the Byer's house." He tells me. "Remember we agreed to meet up there at 10:00. Which means you have to get your ass up!" He yells while ripping my blanket off. I immediately curl up into a ball as I'm greeted with the cold air. "Dude, come on, we have to go." I groan again while pulling myself into a sitting position. Jake smiles at me feeling accomplished. He heads downstairs leaving me to get ready.

I reach for the bedside table to get my glasses, then head to my dresser to find something to wear. It's cold outside, like every other day in September, so I grab a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Then I head to the closet and grab my red winter coat. I quickly change, put my hair up into a ponytail, throw on my white converse on and head downstairs.

Jake is sitting at the island eating an apple looking bored out of his mind. I then look to my right and see Jesse on the couch eating cereal watching G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. I look back over at Jake and he rolls his eyes tossing me an apple. I catch the time. 10:55. Eh, it's ok if we're a little late. Who's on time now A days.

We then head for the door when Jesse makes sure his presents is known. "Y'all tell Ellen you,re going out?" He asks us with a full mouth of food.

"What's it to you?"

"Well, I really don't care, but I just want to know if I can look forward to another discipline talk tonight." He chuckles you himself afterwards. Fed up, I give him a little surprise. "Shit," he groans sitting up. We left the house on that note.

"Headache?" I nod yes to Jake smiling and taking a bite of my apple. He holds his hand up for a high-five which I gladly return. "You think we're ok meeting with them?" Jake asks, now remembering where we're going.

"If you mean if we can trust them, I think we can. I mean Jane trusts them. We should at least give them a chance." Jake nods his head, reassured. I reach down and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.We then turn left on the street Charlotte and head towards the Byers.


The rest of the gang will be in the next chapter! Sorry again for the wait! I'll again post within the next couple days. Hope y'all enjoy and thank you so much for all of your votes and reads!!!!!


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