Chapter Seven: 1978

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February, 1978

I ran through the halls, looking for Nine, but I can't find him. He told me he would be in the hall closet on the first floor, but he wasn't there. After looking around for a bit, I spotted the guards. I just want to find him and Eleven and get out of here.

I end up far ahead of the guards, but not totally safe from them. I look around to see where I am. Suddenly I get pulled by my wrist, and without thinking I use my power to inflict a pain throughout whatever was grabbing me. I hear a yelp and look over towards who grabbed me. 


He gives me a weak wave and smile. "Where were you?" I ask. "Why weren't you on first floor? And where Eleven?"

"Someone see me, so I had to..... improvise." As if like clock work, an alarm starts blaring throughout the entire lab, red lights flashing above us. "We have to go now!"

Eleven's not here. She was supposed to meet us in the hall closet. What if she's still there? Is she waiting for us there? What if she got caught?

"We need Eleven!" I yell at him. He grabbed my hand, pulling me further down the hall.

"No time! I'm sorry, we have to go!" He kept pulling me down the hall, but I couldn't imagine the thought of leaving her here in this place. She helped us find a way to escape after we found out what they wanted us for.

"NO!" I slip out of his grip, running in the opposite direction of him towards the original meeting room. Before I round the corner, I'm stopped in my tracks by guards. They immediately draw their weapons pointing at me.

This is it.

I'm never getting out of here.

I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for it to hit me.

It never does.

Instead I hear a yell and a crash.

I find the courage to open my eyes and am in shock to see Eleven standing there in place of the guard who is now in the wall. She makes eye contact and smiles at Nine and I. She starts walking over towards us, but after a few steps, she's shot with a bullet of some kind, making her drop to the floor.

"ELEVEN!!" I scream. No not now. We were so close. I stand and instantly run to her, but Nine puts his arms around me, keeping me from going any farther. I thrash trying desperately to escape his grip. "LET ME GO!"

"WE HAVE TO GO!" I cry and sob as we get farther away from Eleven. The guards who shot her round the corner and spot us. Anger takes over my emotions and I inflict pain throughout their whole body. They collapse onto the ground grunting and yelling for mercy.
Something they don't deserve.

Nine realizes what I'm doing and yells for me to stop. More guards round the corner, but before I can get to them, Nine pushes them back with a gust of air. He finally puts me down. "10, I know your upset, but we can't help her. She's gone! We have to go NOW!" My body feels drained as well as guilt as I nod an ok.

We run down the hall, before going through the doors, I take one last look at Eleven, then run out into the night.

Once outside, we found ourselves in a courtyard, a fence surrounding the building we just exited. Guards were all along the fence as well and behind us.

"Get behind me," Nine whispers. I comply making sure I'm fully behind him. He closes his eyes, his hands rising up as the ground starts to shake.

"FIRE!" I hear a guard command. But before anything else happened, Nine yelled pushing his hands away from him. Giant heaps of rock and dirt from the ground flew in all directions towards the guards. Scattered yells were heard among the dirt clouded courtyard. He then grabs my arm and I follow him through the dust storm. Looking around, I see bodies on the floor, some not breathing. In the process, he also took out the gate, so we left the courtyard, and I to the woods.

"Are you ok?" I asked Nine. He seemed dazed and out of it. He didn't respond. I'm not surprised. He used a lot of energy back there. He had blood dripping from both sides of his nose. He was also tripping over his own feet every once in a while. I looked over at our hands to see they were still intertwined. Something about that brought peace to me. I squeezed his hand once. He squeezed back.

We would be ok.
This chapter was rough, but there will be a little more of an explanation in the next chapter with will be in present day (1985). Also I'm sorry for any errors, it's 4 o clock in the morning and I wrote this whole chapter in one sitting. :)

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