Chapter Two: The New Kids

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Walking into the building, we're greeted with stares. It's become routine at this point. Even back in middle school, stares were the norm. The only difference is that we get pushed around and punched every once in a while. We fight back sometimes, and even "cheat", but not often so we don't raise suspicion.

I spot Noah with the gang staring at Jake and I. He then says something to his friends and they laugh. I then recognize one of the laughs as Jesse and lock eyes with him. Can't believe we live with that fucker. Me and Jake reach the point in our route where we split to go to our first period classes, so I say bye to him, to which he responds with a simple wave, and head to math class.

(Time skip brought to you by Will's spidey sense)

"So class as you can see, the expo- Y/N! Are you sleeping in my class again?"

"No, I'm just resting my eyes, two totally different things." I loved aggravating my teachers. Especially Mr. Lee, my math teacher. He absolutely hates me. Not just because I don't pay attention or disrespect him by saying smart-ass comments when he try's to discipline me, but because even though I do these things, I'm passing his class with soaring colors.

I was waiting for yelling, but all that came was silence. Now looking up, I can see why there was no response. He was gone. The door to the classroom was open and he left the classroom. Damn, I upset him that bad?

I felt all eyes on me. But it's not like that was new. Then the whispers started. It was obvious they were talking about me, but I didn't care. None of them mattered.

I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and am greeted by a kid with a bowl cut. He has brown eyes and a mark near his lip. He's wearing a shirt with the words "The Clash". Must be a band or something.

"Does he always get this angry or is it just with you?"

I didn't know what to say. No one other than Jake really talks to me unless their calling me names followed by a punch or a shove. I didn't even know what to say to him.

"Um, hello?" The boy asked confused. Crap. I was staring again.

"Oh um sorry, no." I say quickly. And with that, I turn back around and put my head down. My face was burning. Great. Now he thinks I'm a weirdo. Wait, I've never seen him before. He must be one of the new kids. Shit, great first impression, Y/N!

Me. Lee re-enters the classroom, red in the face, walks over to my desk, and hands me a slip of paper. He then returns to the front of the classroom. I look down and it says OFFICE. Awesome. Another office visit. Ellen's gonna love this. I raise my hand.

Trying to keep his cool, Mr. Lee says, "yes, Y/N?"

I put my hand down and reply smirking, "Is this for now or after class? Cause if I remember, you never finished the lesson."

The joy and accomplishment I felt when I saw him try not to explode on me was pure bliss. The classroom was so quiet, you could hear a pen drop. All he did was point to the door. I took this as my cue to take my leave. I grab my bag, as well as my slip of paper, and went towards the front of the classroom.

 As I did, some dick decided to put their foot in the aisle and I fell. Everyone started laughing. I got up, and turned around. Everyone stopped laughing, but were holding it in, all except for the kid who sat behind me. He almost looked, sorry for me. I then looked down at my hand and remembered I had a date with the principal. I left the classroom, confused.


A boy with a bowl cut. What's up Will?

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