Chapter Seventeen: The Feeling

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Will and I were searching  our half of the town in search of Jane. Given how small town is, it didn't take very long.  

The town was empty. The silence was sickening, but I don't know very good conversation starters that would fit with the current situation. After we struck out at our last destination, we started in the direction of the beach, as that was where we all said we would meet when we were done. We were coming from the other side of town, so it was a good 5 minute walk from where were currently were which was part of the outskirt. 

We walked on the sidewalk being swallowed by the shadows which were created by the building above us. The cool wind blew past making me shiver. I look over at Will. This boy is a mystery to me. I guess I was staring too long because Will looked over at me which caused me to look in another direction. 

Yea, I totally wasn't just staring at you... 

Ugh, why am I blushing. I'm just glad its dark out. I just don't understand it. This may sound bad, but I find myself thinking about him randomly. I don't know what it is about him, but... I feel different about him. Almost like a crush, I guess? No, isn't that bad? if I were to like him? I can't like him. It's not allowed. 

"Everything ok?" I quickly fix my gaze back on Will. Crap, do I look like something's wrong with me? Oh god, what if he were to find out about this? Would he think I was gross? Would he hate me? Who am I kidding, He would definitely hate me. 

"Uh, Earth to Jake?" He waves his hand in front of my eyes. 

I shake my head trying to quickly think of something to say. "Oh, uh, y-yea. I was just uh, thinking about if Y/N and Mike found Jane or not." I hold my breath expecting Will to call by bluff. 

He sighs. "Yea, one can only hope right?" I let go of the breath I was holding in. "But hey, lets not think the worst, ok? You never know, even if they didn't find her, they may have found something that can help." He puts his hand on my shoulder. My face immediately goes red and my chest gets really tight. What is wrong with me? This feeling is wrong. At least towards Will it is. Get yourself together. 

I nod my head in agreement and give a slight smile. After a few more steps we cross the moonlit street in direction of the beach. There are a few main entrances to get onto the beach itself. There are a few shortcuts to get on seeing as we are a bit far from any of the main entrances. 

We arrive at a fence which has rocks on the other side of it. I reach down and pull the fence back, motioning for Will to crawl under. He does, and I do the same, tucking the fence back where it was and taking the lead. I guess you could call this par-core. I mean, there was a much simpler way to get down, but that would take more time. This method involved a lot of hopping from one rock to another. Quite simple, but one wrong jump and it all goes down hill. 

"How you doing back there?" I yell to Will who is a bit farther behind. He's a bit more cautious with his jumps, but I say that's good for someone who hasn't done this before. 

"Yea, I-I'm good." He gives me a shaky thumbs up before jumping to the next rock. 

Crap. I feel that feeling again. I shake it off and continue until I jump onto the damp sand. The tides a bit higher than normal, but nothing too concerning. I look back at Will who is almost at his last jump. "This is too much exercise," pants Will who takes a moment to catch his breath. I chuckle at his comment. 

"Come on, one last jump." He takes a deep breath, taking a small leap over to where I am, but he ended up slipping his foot on the rock. Thankfully he jumped far enough to the point where he wasn't going to land on the rock, but he wasn't going to land on his feet. I do my best to try to catch him, but I end up going down with him. We both groan as we hit the sand hard. It takes me a second, but I then realize what position I'm in. 

He landed on top of me. I look up and see a very red Will looking back at me. Our faces are inches apart. I stunned with fear, I don't know what to do. Seemed like Will was in the same prediciment I was. After a few more seconds, Will scurried off of me, obviously embarassed at what just happened. 


"Hey, it's ok! Accidents happen, right?" I say quickly trying to keep things from being awkward. I stand, reaching my hand out for Will to grab which he accepted. I ignore the feeling in my chest, surpressing them deep down. 

"Thanks for catching me," Will says, chucking. 

"No problem, any time," I respond. It's then I notice I'm still holding his hand. I look up at Will who is also looking at our hands. Part of me wants to keep holding on but-

"MIKE LOOK OUT!" Was that Y/N? I let go of Will's hand, turning to him and putting both hands on his shoulders. 

"Stay behind me, don't run off, ok?" He nods his head, showing he understood, and follows me as I run towards the direction Y/N's yell was. 


Short chapter but I thought this was cute


Anyways, hope you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment!!!!


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