Chapter Twenty-Three:

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"Sorry! I don't remember the coffee table being there!" Jake whisper-shouted at me. "It's like the whole layout of the living room changed in the dark."

Here we were, making our way to our bedrooms at 5:30 in the morning, where we kept our emergency stash (Which included money). We started the stash when we were Twelve after we heard rumors of the lab starting up and figured it was best to have a plan b.

Walking through the living room, past the kitchen, and up the stairs, which honestly were a pain to go up since they decided to creak at every little movement, seeing how both Jesse and Ellen's doors were closed. We made it to our room without walking anyone. Both Jake and I scurry over to our closet and retrieve the backpack hidden behind Jake's box of comics. I opened the bag and searched for the cash we've accumulated for years in case of a getaway. Once retrieved, I quickly count it.

This should be more than enough.

"Ok, let's go."

"Go where?"

My head whips around to our doorway where Jesse was stood, rubbing his eyes. Given he was in an oversized T-shirt and sweats, we must have woken him up.

"Look we don't have time for this right now," Jake whispered towards me.

"Hello, I can hear you."

"I say we make a run for it."

"So you're just going to ignore me?"

I let out a very deep sigh. Turning my body towards Jesse, I choose my words carefully.

"Look, Jesse, Jake, and I have to go somewhere. I know we don't get along, but-"

"We would appreciate it if you weren't a dick for once and didn't tell the warden-OW!"

"What is wrong with you??" I whisper-shot at him, clearly annoyed.

"So many things but at this moment, we don't have time to be nice to him. We have to go." Jake then grabs me by my wrist pulling me up and towards the blocked doorway. "Please move."

"Hang on, you're leaving? You've already been gone all night, when are you coming back?"

"Get out of the way, Jesse." He tries pushing him lightly out of the doorway so he'll hopefully get the message. Jesse doesn't budge.

"No, not 'til you tell me where you're going." He put his hand on Jake's shoulder, stopping us from moving anywhere.

"Jesse we don't have time for this. We have to go!" I give him a shove. "Just tell Ellen-"

"Tell Ellen what? You know, I had to go through hell because of you two's disappearance tonight. Hell if you think I'm gonna let it go on for another day."

"Jesse, this isn't something that's up for negotiation. We're leaving." We try pushing past him once more, breaking through only to see not only Jake's door open but Ellen's as well. Jake must have noticed this as well.

"Go, go, go." We literally fly down the stairs. 

Like no joke we zoomed. 

"I never did like you two." Of course were stopped here. Right before were about to make it to the door, it's blocked by Ellen. "Always causing me trouble." 

"Ellen, please move, we have to go." I didn't want to force her out of the way, but I also couldn't tell her exactly we were going to do. 

"Why couldn't you two have been normal? Like Jesse here? He gets good grades, he stays out of the principal's office-"

"Look Ellen, we would love to stay for another one of your incredible lectures, but we truly have to go, so please move." I could tell Jake was holding back, I mean he said please. 


"What are you talk-"

"Who's to say this isn't a part of Brenner's plan?" she asked us. 

How does she...

"You know who Brenner is?" I asked hesitantly. 

She nodded her head slightly. 

"He took my kid away from me." 




I started classes and my workload has been piled high and my free time has been nonexistant. Yes this is a short chapter btu after months of not posting one, I figure this was better than nothing. I promise the next one will be longer :)

Again thank you guys for sticking around


"Why Did You Leave?" Stranger Things x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें