Chapter Ten: We're From Hawkins Lab

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It was a quick walk. I never realized how close they lived. A quick five minute walk and we were there.

There were three cars in the driveway, one being unloaded by two guys. One definitely on the older side with glasses, and the other younger. He kinda resembled Will a bit.

We walk up to the driveway, our presence still not aware to the men who were now taking the last bit of luggage inside. We wait a bit before we walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. I hear rustling on the other side as well as murmuring. A couple seconds later, the door swings open to reveal a short brown haired woman with a sweet face and bags under her eyes.

She gave us a smile. "Why hello! You guys must be Jake and Y/N." She steps aside motioning for us to come in. We enter, thanking her as we walk right into the living room which is occupied by company.

"Oh, Jake, Y/N, I'm Mrs. Byers but you can call me Joyce. This is Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler," she says motioning to the man with the glasses from outside sitting with a woman with very big hair.We awkwardly wave their way with smiles. "They're the parents of Nancy and Mike. Nancy is with Jonathan and Mike is with Jane and Will."

"Uh, where could we find them Mrs. Byers?" Jake asks.

"She points to the stairs. "Upstairs, the last door down the hall." We silently thank her and head up to Will's room. Jake and I make our way down the hall, passing what I guess is Johnathan's room. Him and a girl who I presume is Nancy we're making out on his bed. I give a look to Jake and he just laughs pushing me forward.

Once in front of Will's door, I raise my fist up and knock. I hear a couple whispers, looking over to Jake to see him with a nervous look on his face, then the door swings open to reveal Jane. She swarms me in a hug, and Jake soon after. I chuckle at her gesture and look to the rest of the room. Will is sitting on a beanbag chair and gives me a wave and smile, which I return, and another boy leaning on the wall with black short hair and is very tall.

"Oh right. You guys haven't met," Will states looking towards the boy who is standing there very awkwardly. "Y/N, Jake, this is Mike. He and I have been friends since kindergarten." Mike shares a wave and a nervous smile.

"Nice to meet you Mike," Jake speaks up walking to stand next to me. Jane walks to sit on the bed.

"So, do we want to start this now, or wait for the others?" I ask. I can't stand the tyranny of not knowing.

"I think we can tell the story, right?" Will questioned sharing looks with Mike and Jane. They nod their heads in agreement. "Well, then let's start with the night I went missing."

(One story later<through season 1-3>)

"And so we moved here. Will's mom couldn't bare to stay in that town after...," Jane took a second to catch her breath. Tears brimmed her eyes. "After my dad died."

She takes a deep breath as an attempt to keep herself under control. Mike wraps his arm around her whispering 'it's ok' and 'breath' as an attempt to calm her down.

"It was the last straw for her," Will took over. "She was apparently already looking to move because of the events of last year, so 4th of July weekend was just the nail in the coffin." He then looked over to Jake. "Then we found you guys coincidently." All except Mike chuckled at the fact that Jane and Will found us after all this time on accident.

I see Mike is very confused looking to Jane then over to us for an explanation. "Uh, does he know? About us?" I questioned, motioning to Jake who was now closer to me. I guess I backed up into him. I mean I was nervous no doubt about it.

"Know about what?" Mike inquired.

"I'll take that as a no," Jake sighed.

Jane stood up, leaving Mike's embrace. "I didn't think it was right to tell him without your guy's ok."

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