Chapter Sixteen: The Search

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"I was back in exam room two."

Bingo. That day has always terrified him. He always fears losing control again, so he has never tried using his fire since then. I mean, who can blame him. Jake's a lover, not a fighter.

"I woke up and I was sitting back at that table," he continued. "The cat was there. I knew what it was, what I was gonna have to do."

(Inside Jake's "dream state" that happened earlier that day....)

No. Not again. I swore I would never repeat it.

I immediately stand and turn, starting for the exit, but there they were. The three men. I got the picture and sat back down. I put my hands on the table, starring at them.

It's been years since I've sparked a flame.

Can I even do it?

What if I forgot?

"I see your thinking over there." Ugh. Not her.


Wait, sh-she's-

"Don't worry, she's not real."

That voice.

No, he's dead.

Jane said- she told us he was gone.

So why is he standing behind the glass again?

"Eleven told you I was dead, correct?" He knows? "Or, I guess she goes by Jane now." No fucking way. "Oh, and Ten has a name as well, Y/N. And you Nine, or should I say Jake."

He knows so much about us. Wait. Does this mean he knows where we are? After so many years of false hope, he's finally found us.

"Wh-what do you want?" I asked. All he did was smile. 


"Well, what I really want are my children back," he started. "But I know you guys wouldn't come back willingly."

(Back to present)

"After that, he started saying how the three of us were his biggest disappointments. How we were a waste of time and he shouldn't have spent the resources on you and I. How he should have used it all on Jane. I..." he couldn't finish his sentence. I realize his eyes are glazed over. I reach for his hand but he flinches away, immediately apologizing. "I'm sorry, I just-"

He took a deep breath before talking.

"I don't trust myself right now." He looks down at the floor before speaking again. "I lost control again, like I did when we were still at the lab." His voice cracked when he said 'again'. The sorrow his tone carried was like a dagger to my heart.

"Hey, it wasn't real, none of that was real. It was created by Brenner to get into our heads." I gently grab his face by his chin so he's looking me in the eyes. "We can't let him win."

"But it felt real. All of it. I never thought I would make a flame to harm again, but I did. I broke my own promise. Real or not, I chose to give in to my rage and kill them. Again." I knew there was no changing his mind on this. Jake's past was catching up to his present.

"We'll figure this all out, ok? He's not gonna win." Jake didn't seem totally pleased with this answer, but it was the only one I could give him. "Was there anything else important that happened in there?"

He takes a moment to think, but shakes his head no. I open my arms for a hug which he gladly accepts, and we stay there for a minute just appreciating each other's company. We then part, and head back downstairs. We see everyone is asleep, some with food in their hands, Lucas in particular has an Atari in his hand with Max leaning on his shoulder. Aw, cute.

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