Chapter Three: So You Guys Are from Hawkins?

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To cut it short, I sat in the office for the rest of the period. Very uneventful. Apparently I was lucky the principal was out, otherwise I would have been suspended. They were satisfied once I was given lunch detention for the rest of the week. But they've come up with a compromise, or something. I do, however, have a note to give to Ellen about my "Disciplinary Actions".

The bell rings for second period and I leave the office heading for my next period.

"Mrs. L/N!" God dammit. So close. I turn around to be greeted my my favorite teacher, Mr. Lee. The one kid who sat behind me is right on his tail. "Glad I caught you, we were on our way to meet you in the office. Have you met Will?" So that's his name. "He tells me he sits behind you." I look him up and down, Will not making eye contact, but instead looking down at the ground, seeming embarrassed.

I look back at my teacher. "Ok, what about him?"

Mr. Lee smiles like he just aced a quiz. "I'm so glad you asked." I can hear the smarminess in his voice. "Well, you see, Will here, is a new student, and his placement scores show he is having trouble with math. And I suggested he needs a tutor." I put two and two together, roll my eyes and turn to walk away.

"Yea not happening," I yell back I start to walk away.

"It's either this or suspension! Your choice!" I stop walking. Crap. I can't get suspended again. Defeated, I turn around and walk back over to them. "Great. How's after school starting tomorrow?" Silence. "Ok, it's decided then. Tomorrow after school. Now off to class." And with that Mr. Lee walks away with a little extra pip in his step. I sigh annoyed. I begin to walk away, heading to my next class.

"Excuse me!" I stop walking, and turn back. It's Will. Why does he want to talk to me? "I'm, uh.. I was wondering if you knew where Mrs. Smith's class is."

Of course. What do you know. That's my next class.

"Um, yea. I'm heading there now."

"Do you mind if I tag along?" I could tell he was nervous. He wouldn't even meet my eyes.

"Sure. Whatever." And with that I continue on towards my next class, Will walking next to me. The walk was awkward to say the least. As an icebreaker, I decided to ask him about where he was from.

"So, your from Hawkins?" I ask looking over towards him.

"Uh, yea. Me and my... my stepsister." He said the second part a little more quieter than the rest of his statement.

"Oh, cool." Thank god we finally got to Mrs. Smith's class before we could start any more awkward conversations. I open up the door with my right hand, letting Will go in. He's hesitant at first, like he's staring at something, then thanks me, and walks into the classroom. Weird.

I enter the classroom and head to the back.

(Time skip brought to you by Hopper's threats to Mike)

Lunch time, finally. I head to the back of the school and go to the tree Jake and I eat at. It's secluded, safe, perfect. Once at the tree, I grab my book and start reading.

In the middle of reading, it starts feeling very humid. Then the water droplets start to fall, very slowly. Knowing what it is, I look up, annoyed once again to see Jake standing a few feet away with the dumbest smirk possible. To get back at him, I give him the feeling of a slight burn on the back of his hand. He hisses but laughs it off. We both wipe the small amount of blood away from our noses.

You see, both Jake and I have special abilities we were born with. Jake was born with the ability to control the elements. He can take the water from the oxygen and use it however he wants to blowing wind at me to giving me a mini earthquake. Fire is something he has yet to really master.

I, on the other hand, can inflict pain from burns to cuts. The pain leaves nothing physical, but it feels just the same.

We were both experiments at Hawkins lab. They used us as lab rats to fight the Russians or something. We even got tattoos of which experiment we were on our wrist, which they also used as our names. We're usually always wearing jackets or something. He's 9 and I'm 10.

He starts to make balls of water as he talks to me. "So I met one of the new kids in my P.E. class today, Think she said her name was Jane."

"Funny you say that," I started. "I met one of them too. I'm actually tutoring him starting tomorrow. His names Will."

"Ha! That's funny, you tutoring? What did you do to deserve that?" With that, he flung the water up into the air and it dispersed into a mist. "No but on a serious note, the girl, Jane. She looks kinda familiar. I don't know from where but, I just feel like I've seen her before..."

Before I can respond, I'm interrupted by an argument taking place near by. It was Will. He was with a girl, probably Jane, the person Jake was talking about. Jesse and his gang were picking on Will, grabbing onto his backpack. Noah and one of the other boys took what looked like money from Will. Instantly, I got up and ran over to the situation.

"Y/N! Wait!" I wasn't listening to Jake yelling at me to stop. I had had enough of Jesse, and Noah, and the rest of them.

Without even thinking, I gave Noah a painful hit to his side, as if by a truck, and he crumbled to the floor. After he fell, his boys were startled, resulting in them letting go of Will. Jane ran over to Will to make sure he was ok, and Jake was telling me to stop. It took me that moment to realize I was still giving off the pain to Noah, not that he didn't deserve it. "Y/N, it's ok, you can stop. You saved them. Don't make a scene," Jake whispered in my ear. That snapped my back into reality and I stopped distributing pain to Noah. I felt tired, and stumbled a little, but Jake was there as my crutch. I look around at my surroundings to see Will and Jane staring at me on my right, and the gang on my left.

"Get me out of here," I tell Jake. He nods and we walk towards the main building. I see the new kids following us, but I don't care at the moment. I Hadn't used my power like that in a while, especially like that. All I wanted to do was sleep now. Just sleep.


Hope you liked it. How do you like your power? How bout Jake's power? He's like the avatar of 1985.-Blue

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