Chapter Eleven: Bonding

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"Holy shit," said the darker skinned boy. The friends looked between Jake and I like we were circus animals. I knew this was a bad idea. We shouldn't of told them. Why did we think they would be ok with any of this? I wouldn't be surprised if cops showed up any minute to take us away.

"That, is, awesome!" Yelled the boy missing teeth. It was like the dynamic between the group was changed in an instant as everyone in the room was now wearing a smile across their face, except for Mike. I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding until now and looked over at Jane who was also wearing a genuine smile along with an 'I told you so' look.

The boy with no teeth walked over to us and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Dustin Henderson. Nice to meet you guys." Jake gladly shook his hand and I followed suit.

"Oh right! We never introduced ourselves," spoke the redhead. "I'm Max Mayfield," she stated while walking over next to Dustin holding her hand out as well, which we gladly accepted."And I'm Lucas Sinclair," the dark skinned boy exclaimed. Instead of a handshake he gave a wave. Not that it mattered really.

The uneasy feeling I had just a few minutes ago was replaced with a joyous feeling of hope. "Nice to meet you all," I said. They all went back onto the bed with Mike, Jane and Will taking a glare at each other. They nodded their head towards Dustin and he spoke.

"So you guys really are from Hawkins lab?" he questioned, a wide grin on his face. "The same one Jane was in?"

"Yup, the very same," replies Jake.

"Gnarly," whispers Lucas. "So that means you have the, you know the." He pauses and points to his wrist. I put two and two together and realize he's talking about our tattoos. I look over at Jake to see him laughing and lifting is sleeve to reveal his number ten tattoo. I lift mine to reveal the nine on my wrist. The four gawked over our tattoos as if seeing one for the first time, but given the backstories behind them, I understood why.

"So, how did you guys escape?" Asked Max curiously. I looked over to Jane, hoping we don't have to go through that emotional roller coaster again.

"We don't have to talk about that right now." Thank you so much Jane. Everyone looked confused before Mike got the memo of changing the subject, and after looking at Jane and seeing the pleading gesture she made with her face, he did exactly that.

"So how did you guys even meet, anyways?" And just like that everyone was wanting to know that series of events. I sat down on the windowsill behind me while Jake leaned against the wall."Well....."

(Mini time jump because I don't want to rewrite that:)

"...And then all of a sudden the dude was on the floor in pain and before we knew it Y/N was being carried out of school with us following them an-"

"Hold up," interrupted Lucas holding his hands up as if to pause us. "So we know Jake over here is a water... bending-person?"

"Actually I can control anything having to do with the elements but close enough." Everyone chuckled at that. It was nice to hear everyone laugh. It was like an invisible wall of distrust had finally been broken down.

"Right, and you," he starts pointing his finger at me, "can do what exactly?" I don't know why but my hands got really sweaty and I felt like my heart was beating a million beats per second. I've never been proud of my power. I've always seen it as more of a burden than a gift. I mean all it takes is for me to loose my temper and I lose control.

"Y/N?" I blink a couple of times to come to the realization I had spaced out. Jake was next to me with Jane next to him and her hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" Jane asked with a worried tone in her voice.

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