Chapter Four: The Incident

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I wake up to the site of my ceiling. We're home? Weren't we at school? Then the memories of what happened earlier that day come flashing back. I sit up, only to be greeted by a headache. Well shit. I look over on my beadside table to see two Advil's and a glass of water. Thanks Jake.I reach over and take the pills, taking a large sip of water. Putting down the glass, I take a look at the time. 4:14. Lunch was at 12:15. How long have I been asleep? After a moment of gathering my thoughts, I stand up, now wondering where Jake was.

I conclude he was probably downstairs, so I start down the stairs. "Yo, Jake! Why'd you let me sleep in so-," I stop right before I enter the living room. Jake turns around with a worried expression on his face, along with two other faces. They don't look to pleased either. I don't even know what to say right now. For the first time in a long time, I have nothing to say.

"Ok, Y/N, Lets not freak out, ok? There is a perfectly good explanation for this." Jake is walking over to me slowly. "These are the new kids we were talking about."

I take a deep breath, and calmly say, "I know who they are. Why are they here?" Now I'm staring straight at them, then back at Jake, hoping someone will give me an answer. But nothing.

Finally, after what seems like forever, Will speaks up. "Well uh, we actually have to head home." Followed by more silence. "We'll show ourselves out."

 Will starts to walk towards the front door, followed by Jane, at least I think that's her name. They walk past both Jake and I, Jane lingering a little longer then exiting the house. I look at Jake expecting answers. He sighs, walks over to the couch and plops down.

In a monotone voice, he states, "They didn't know what to do or where to go after the incident. So I told them to come with us. And I know what your going to say, 'oh Jake your so naive, don't trust someone you just met,' or whatever, but I was just looking at them and they seemed like they were in the same position as we were in the beginning and I couldn't just leave them. So if your going to yell please do it now."

His eyes were closed now, expecting the worst. I looked away from him, and opened my mouth, but I didn't nor want to yell. I couldn't. I looked back at him to see him looking back at me with a 'what are you waiting for' look. It was my turn to sigh, walk over to the couch next to him, and plop down.

"I'm not mad." How could I be? With the situation, the only thing that would have been worse was if he left them at the school. The gang would have for sure found them after school greeting them with questions and punches. "Did they ask questions about what happened? What I did?" My palms got sweaty, thinking how my little stunt could have blown up our lives here.He sat up. "Well...... it was really weird, but..."

"But, what's the But?" I can hear my heart beat in my ears.

Jake looks at me with a confused look while saying, "They didn't ask about it. All they said about it was that they had seen something similar before." I look at him, wondering if he was on dice (crack).

"Did you ask what they meant?" He looked at me confused. I swear to god please tell me he told them something realistic and not-

"I didn't not. And I don't know why." Hm. Maybe he was on dice. Then I remembered the situation. Maybe it's better if he didn't ask. Better to just drop it all together. Forget about it. They obviously moved passed it. I... think?

Time passed. How long I have no idea. We both just sat on the couch, time running right passed us as we sat staring at the ceiling.

I jump when I hear the front door open. I sit up and look behind me, only to be greeted by Jesse closing the door. Uncomfortable silence is the only thing shared between us. Finally, he breaks eye contact and goes upstairs. I hear a door slam shut.

"What a bitch."

It got me thinking, where was Ellen?

I glance down to see Jake, asleep. I grin, seeing him look so peaceful. Something we haven't had in a while. I grab a pillow, lay down on Jake's lap, and shut my eyes, letting sleep consume my body.


Sorry for the cliff hanger, I got tired but wanted a chapter posted because it's been almost a week since last chapter


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