Chapter Twelve: Newcomers

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The night slowly came to an end, and we had to say goodbye to the hangout and he'd back home. We scheduled to meet back at the Byers house again for breakfast. We were currently on the path in the woods next to the creek, the one we would take to get back to school.

We only decided to end the night because Jane was feeling a bit under the weather, and if I'm being honest, I was as well. But I didn't tell anyone. Jake did give me a look as I struggled to get up as we were leaving though.

I figured all I needed was some fresh air, but if anything, it seemed to get worse as we walked. I looked over to Jane, and even Jake this time and saw they weren't looking too good either. They both looked as if they had to throw up.

The rest is a blur, I don't remember falling, but here I am on the floor. My eyes were closed, I couldn't open them. I heard people calling my name and I tried opening up my mouth to respond, but no words came out.


It could have been 1 minute, 5 minutes, I don't know, but time had passed and I finally open my eyes. I'm greeted by the hospital lights hanging from the ceilin- wait, no. That's not right. We were outside, weren't we? Yea. Yes, outside, in the middle of the woods. How the hell did I end up here?

Was I actually that sick? Where are the others? Are Jane and Jake ok? They looked to be in the same condition I was. To my very right is a bedside table. There stood a plant. It was a jade plant.

Jade plant... I haven't seen one of those since-

I can't even finish the thought. I look to my left and see a wall with a drawing on it. It was a child's drawing. A stick figure. I scan the rest of my surroundings, moving my head towards the right seeing a bench on the floor at the foot of the bed, my breathing intensifies and I hurry to get up. I know this room. I look down to see I'm in a hospital gown. No, no, this isn't real. I can't be here. I reach up to feel my head, expecting to feel my y/c hair, but all I feel is prickles of the hair left on my scalp.

A buzz cut.

Please no. This can't be happening. I can't be back here. I refuse to believe it.

I run towards the door, opening it and run into a familiar hallway. This is it. This is the lab. This is where I was held for the first 8 years of my life. This is the place that took my freedom away from me and used it for their own self interest.

"Hey! Your not supposed to be out!"

I snap my head to my left and find a big man in white with his gun in his hand. It is then I realize he's pointing it at me.

"I don't want to tell you again!"

Now he's moving towards me. I start to run. I can hear him speak on what I think is his wallow talkie saying "breakout". I round the corner and find myself in a familiar area.

I never liked being here. This is where they tested me.

I turn around but a wall occupies the doorway that was once a hallway. Something is wrong with this. Before I can think any further, I hear something from one of the rooms.

I freeze, not wanting to make a noise. It could be another guard. I hear the same noise again, only it's clearer. And closer. A second later, there it was, greeting me from the doorway. I let out a breath, letting my tense body relax and slowly walk closer to the cat. I get about 5 inches away from it before it turns back into the room. I follow it into the room, but I can't see it anymore. I can't really see anything in the room.

I hear it again. Something about it makes me want to follow it, so I do. I can't really see, but I follow the sound, surprisingly not running into anything.

"Hello ten."

That voice stops me in my tracks. I still can't see anything, so I can't see the face who spoke, but I didn't need my vision to know who the voice belonged to.

The lights go up and it's him. Standing at the table. It's Brenner. He's there. Physically there. I thought Jane said he was dead. He did however have scars going all across his face.

"I'm supposed to be dead, right?" He says, as if he's reading my thoughts. My body is frozen in place, I don't even think I breathing. It's like my body has shut down. "Eleven told you that, right?" He gives a light smile and we share a moment of silence, almost like he wanted me to reply to him.

I hear a scream from behind me, which causes me to flinch. Not even three seconds later, I hear another. I listen and I recognize those screams. It's Jake. I hear another but it's a females this time. Jane. I make eye contact with Brenner again and he simply replies, "Run."

Not a second after the words leave his mouth, I take off running towards the screams. The direction I'm running in is black all around me, but yet I can see. Looking over my shoulder I see Brenner getting smaller, but as he gets smaller, the screams get louder, and I feel the air around me turn warmer. I then start to see white flakes and the smell of smoke fills my nostrils.Why is this familiar?

I try to remember as I keep running. Tears full my eyes as I hear the screams of my friends yelling for me but I can do nothing. Nothing except run and hope I make it in time. I finally come to a stop as something on the floor caught my eye. I crouch down and look at what seems to be a piece of metal on the floor. It's burned up at the edges.

"Exam room 2"


No no, god please no

Not this please.

I look up and see I'm outside the room. I try to run to the door but I'm too late. The room explodes and takes me out with it.


I jolt awake back in the woods. My breathing is heavy and my vision is blurred. Probably from the tears filling my eyes. I try to make out the people in front of me, one of the I think is Dustin but I'm not sure. My ears are clogged so all I hear is muffled noise.

Someone grabs my arm and out of instinct I inflict on them. I don't know on what scale, but it was enough for them to let go. After a couple more seconds my hearing is unclogged and I hear voices yelling.

"Y/N! It's us, calm down please! Your ok!" I heard a lisp, so I'm pretty sure it's Dustin. I realize I look down and see I'm wearing regular clothes, then reach for my head and feel my y/c hair. That helps me calm down. I heard someone say to take deep breaths, so I did.

What I wasn't prepared for was what Jane had said to us.

"He's back."


So, yea.

That happened

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