Shifted!Evil Hermits: QnA!

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Author's note
I think I might've communicated badly. My bad ,:3-

Edit: Also I definitely did not forget to actually hit 'publish' ha ha no what do you mean-

But! Hey! Here's the QnA XP!

... Uh. Cabbage UwU.

... We still haven't started the chapter yet.


PsychA: Also, name tags.

AC: Tank chu ,: D-


AC: ... Yo, is this thing on?

Badtimes: ... There's a camera?

(-True, immediately, poses-)

PsychA: What? No. No, she's talking about the- y'know what, never mind. I'm not being responsible for ruining your existence. Again.

(-True stops posing, concerned-)

Hels: Ah! The response to this would be 'it has already been achieved!'

NPG: Only in my dreams-

AC: It is on : D! So y'all ready for questions?

True: Absolutely! This is -like- super exciting, you have no idea how excited I am!

NPG: I heard there would be people! And people are cool! Very cool flesh-sacks!

Badtimes: I was forced here against my will.

PsychA: Your 'will' says you wanted to be here.

Hels: To the loyal and honest, it shall be an honour to fulfil your requests.

AC: That is very good!! So we shall begin ÙwÚ-


AC: Firstly, you have received many compliments. Everyone thinks you're very fabulous, especially chu Hels UwU. Also, True, you're beautiful, NPG is amazing and Badtimes looks very badbutt!

True: Awww, thank you guys!

Badtimes: ...

NPG: Thank you! That is a nice thing to say!

Hels: For their kindness, I send them my gratitude.

PsychA: Also Hels, you're very pog? Poggers? Hels pog? You frens? You frens? Pog?

True: Hels pog HeLS POG-


Hels: ... What is a 'pog'?

AC: It is good thing : D!

Hels: Requisitely, I accept your 'pog'.

PsychA: ... That's.... A. Very good sentence.

Badtimes: What have you done. Wh- do you have any idea what you have done?

AC: Duh, I'm an author.

(-NPG and True continue chanting 'Hels pog' in the background-)

AC: Obviously not UwU.


AC: So! To start, something nice and chill and simple : D!

NPG: That is what my father said I would be! (-insert a pause that is awkward for anyone other than NPG-) But he was wrong!

PsychA: You were an intended creation? Weak. I was born a mistake.

True: Hey, me too! But don't worry, I fixed it!

(-NPG snorts and tries to suppress his laughter-)

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