Convex and the Girl

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This was supposed to be during the last chapter. But then the last chapter turned into over 3000 words, and I randomly thought 'wow this song and idea of my shape-shifting abilities and good acting being super useful to a crafty-enough Convex would go really well together'.

But that means I need to draw pictures... Doesn't it?

So now this is a pretty fully fledged chapter, with a vid and pics and everything.


The death tolls list is after this btw.

Just one headcannon here: My secondary power (main is shape-shifting, and Author Majicks TM) is 'spiritual awareness'. That means I can read minds, 'sense' things or people before I see them, have good reflexes, use telekinesis and look into the future to a certain extent.

... That seems super Mary Sue like. Most of that is covered in Author Majicks to be honest though, just not given a name (dooon't lie- I see all the funny 'I literally know something you don't know' bits every time lol. Y'all doing great). So I named it.

Also because it's gon be super funny. Whaaat? How else should you explain knowing who has a crush on who, never dying, always being able to hide/ disappear, breaking the fourth wall etc. and all the other stupid dumb stuff we authors do?

Oh yee. It's cus we epic.

The video will make sense in a sec.
(Author's notes: During the day/ two that Mumbo was unconscious, on the other side of the server...)



Cub entered the country house in a hurry, rushing to where Scar had replied. That girl... He had to tell him about that girl... Scar had been right all along, and this girl wasn't normal at all- she could be dangerous, evil even, if left alone on the ser-

When he turned the corner, Cub was met with the cheerful sight of Scar... With a strange wolf girl... Scar was about to say something, but he was too overcome with surprise at the sight of the girl that he didn't notice. Taking out his diamond sword, he moved at once.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Cub hollered, rushing in and placing himself between the two, knocking the girl away with the blunt end of his sword. She whimpered as the metal hit her arm and she fell to the floor, while Scar looked mortified.

"Cub, calm down-"


"CUB!" Scar yelled, grasping the furious vex's free hand gently. As Cub turned around to face him, he was captivated by Scar's pleading eyes. "Cub, stop, she's safe... She's been helping me with a lot of stuff as well, an she's just a child, can't you see? To be honest... I feel as if... She's like my own daughter. And I will protect her like one, though I really don't wish to harm you..."

The taller vex stopped like he was asked to, facing the girl at last. Goodness, she really was but a child.She'd taken off her big hoodie and was examining what damage that... He'd caused her. Cub gripped Scar's hand tighter when he caught sight of the hurt skin- it was ready to bruise, and certainly would do soon.

"... Ow. W-Well... That's one way to greet someone, ey? Hello, Cub, darling, as you can see, I'm 'that weird, dangerous, maybe evil girl'. In the flesh. Literally, because that hurt a bit. Ok, quite a lot... Um... Dad, you have any bandages?" She stuttered, smiling notwithstanding her injury. 'Dad', whom Cub now knew was Scar, nodded and went away to fetch some; this left Cub and the girl alone.

"... I... I'm... Are you..."

The girl rolled her eyes playfully, still clutching her injury. "No, no, it's fiiine. Please don't swing that sword around though, I promise I'm not evil, but I do get hurt easier than y'all. Cus... Y'know... Child, and all that... Just ask what you're going to ask, so I won't need to rudely intrude into your thoughts even more."

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