Sorry (Tagged Song Fic)

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Author's note
@Pi0_Human got me with a song-chapter-tag thing. I got like the ONE ANGSTY ONE SKSKSK-

First time writing a droplet of angst? You bet. Am I gonna carry on writing angst? Lol nope... Even if I could, I'm going to make myself more upset than the readers if I do... I'm not even sure this is sad enough to be classified as 'angst'...

Original song: 'Sorry' by Halsey

A SMALL bit of backstory I guess... On our favourite bad guy, EX, and why he sometimes doesn't think about his consequences... (I'll... Say the actual reason, summary and info on the void/banning at the end because I'm... Bad at... Angst... I know I will be even though I've never written it before lol).

Just one headcannon at the start of chapter (cus spoilers), because it only kinda revolves around EX and someone y'all don't know. EX denies being able to love, or be asexual/ aromantic at the same time. He's went with 'I'm not asexual/ aromantic but everyone else is mostly useless to me' since this event happened.
"That's it! I've had ENOUGH! Be. GONE!"

There it was.

EX let out a pained yell. Feeling his own body disintegrate in a bright flash was something he'd never get used to. It wasn't like anything else he'd ever experienced- even if it only lasted a second, it was tremendous jolt of harsh, agonising pain that couldn't be forgotten.

He was getting a little more used to it though, which was something he was proud of. After all, this wasn't exactly the first time X had snapped and finally brought the big ban hammer down upon him...

As EX felt himself... 'Come back together'... He discovered that he had now learned exactly when to open his eyes: too early and you'd be blinded. Too late and you'd be a little further away from the surface, which was why very dangerous hackers carried out their very long sentences- by being knocked unconscious until they fell to the right depth.

A little could mean a lot in here. EX made that mistake once.

It wasn't as if he was really bad though. From where he always landed he could always see the light, and it was always the size of a very large cloud (except for... His first time... When he had woken up too late).

Sure enough, light still was above him in that same large diameter. In every other direction, the emptiness of a black void still stretched out for eternity, and greenish strings of binary code still hovered around his hands, preventing him from using any powers.

As it became closer to the set amount of time Xisuma had banned him for, they'd slowly disappear until he was naturally pulled up into the light.

Now... To wait another week or so...


With nothing to do...

EX sighed miserably, plopping down onto the floor. Like how the world barrier worked, the space he was on expanded until a bigger green circle of binary surrounded him. There really wasn't much to do here: no seriously, there literally was nothing to do. If you stared hard enough through the binary 'floor', you could occasionally make out an outline or two of other banned players, but... That was it...


As much as he hated to admit it, it was times like when he's banned that EX misses his brother the most. Yet he still doesn't listen when Xisuma asks if he wants to come back.

'I've missed your calls for months it seems,
Don't realize how mean I can be,
'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
That I love like jewelry...
'Cause I can change my mind each day,
I didn't mean to try you on...
But I still know your birthday
And our mother's favorite song...'

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