Chapter 5: Spoils and Wars pt. 1

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(A/N: I'll be doing some cross paths on this chapter)

At a distant wasteland...

At high noon...

Reiji, Marin, and Sarah are in their I.S. scouring over the broad wasteland. Good thing that Reiji installed an electromagnetic shield that can cloak their I.S. . They were scouring over the wasteland because they received an unknown energy source in the area.


At the Fortress Montressor, Reiji installed an A.I. Which can operate their whole fortress that can access and track things globally. He even named it, 'Verda'.

Then Verda has two programs which Sarah coded and installed as, 'Global Proximity Sensers' and 'Global Tracker Access'.

(A/N: By the way, this is how 'Forte' looks like.)

When they tested it out, it became a reality

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When they tested it out, it became a reality.

Reiji: Verda, can you hear us? Said with curiosity.

Then a projected hologram came up in front of them and spoke.

Verda: Loud and clear, Reiji. Said with a female computerized tone.

Sarah: Ok, Verda, see if you can activate the two programs that I installed in you. Said with a smile.

Verda: Confirmed, initiating G.P.S. and G.T.A. . Said with a computerized tone.

Both of Verda's programs are their holographic progress bars, loading. Then completed.

Verda: Both programs loaded. Said with a computerized tone.

Then Verda brought out map data, accessing satellite feeds. Even bringing out tracker dots and doing proximity sensing. Then something came up on the holo-screen.

Verda: I'm detecting unknown energy signatures coming from the wastelands of the Wild West. Said with a computerized tone.

Marin: Where's it coming from? Asked with a stern look.

Verda: Origin, Unknown. I advise an immediate reconnaissance to search for the origin, in that vicinity. Said in reply and advise.

Reiji: let's check it out. Said as an order.

Flashback End...

They were still searching for the origin that was giving off those strange readings, in the air. But to no avail.

Reiji: Forte, is this place that you were detecting those strange readings? Said with a question.

Verda: Indeed. But its origin is still unknown. Said in reply with a computerized tone.

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