Chapter 12: Projects in Equipment and Weaponry pt. 1

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After the temporary alliance was made, with the Pentagon and its alliance, Reiji and his companions decided to step up their game. They have to work on their arsenal and equipment for their upcoming battles.

When will the next set of terrorists strike again?
Will the terrorists have hostages on their end and use them bargaining chips for gaining what they want?
Or will they steal government property and use it against their inventors?

So Reiji decided to prep beforehand, for what is about to happen.

Reiji: Sarah, Marin, it is time that we do our own part.

Sarah: Make equipment and weaponry of our own.

Marin: We're with you all the way, Reiji.

Reiji: Then let's get to work.

So Reiji and his companions went to do their own thing.

Reiji POV

Me and my companions may have been on the field lately. And we already have what we need right here in our fortress. But to me, for some reason, we are still lacking something that requires needs.

I went to our storage, to see our remaining stock of Alloyed Iron. When I look into it, we still have like one-fourth of it remaining, still in stock. If we use the remaining stock, then we won't have any of it, for our next project.

That is when it hit me. I need to create a high tech machine, that can add more of it to our remaining stock. Like duplicate the materials and add more of them to our disposal.

So, I grabbed some of our remaining stock of Alloyed Iron and brought them to our lab.

When I went to the lab, I saw that Sarah and Marin were there as well, doing something on their end. Both of them looked at me, with some of our Alloyed Iron. They were wondering what am I going to do with it. So they stopped what they were doing and went up to me.

Sarah: Reiji, what are you planning to do with that?

Marin: Aren't those some of the remaining stock of Alloyed Iron that you've stored?

Reiji: 1. I am planning on making a machine and 2. Yes they are.

Sarah/Marin: What kind of machine are we talking about?

Reiji: I've noticed that we are short on supplies. Like our remaining stock of Alloyed Iron. We are almost out of it.

Marin: I can tell, just by looking at the small amount of Alloyed Iron we have left.

Reiji: I wanted to get more materials, but that will take a lot of work to get them all. That is when it hit me.

Sarah: What are you thinking, Reiji?

Reiji: Instead of getting more supplies from the outside, why not get more, from a machine that can replicate the supplies?

Sarah and Marin seemed to get Reiji's explanation.

Sarah: Additional mother-load resources. I like it.

Marin: Well, we do need more on food and resources. And buying them is a lot of work.

Sarah: I'm with you on that one.

I find their complaints rather a bit spoiled. Well, you can't blame them for being part of a family of popularity and importance. Maybe I can teach them a thing or two for them on how to cook food on their own. But for now, I have to make that copying machine a reality.

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