Chapter 6: Spoils and Wars pt. 2

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Within the breach, two thin and two thick arms started to climb out of it. Then four Kaijus came out. Two had a thin body with two large tentacles on its back. Two had a bulky body with a three-clawed tail at the rear.

Verda: Proximity Alert!!! Four Kaijus. Two Category III and Two Category IV. Acidquills and Copperheads. Said in a warning tone.

All Kaijus rise in unison. Then the breach distorted and closed up, behind them.

Reiji, Marin and Sarah were shocked that the Kaiju from the war, have come back.

Then the Kaijus started marching towards them.

Reiji: If they are back, then history of Earth and the Precursors will repeat itself. Said in concern.

Marin: And we can't beat them in the state that we are in. We're no match for them and we can't outrun them as well. Said in concern as well.

Sarah: But if we let them roam around, they will wreak havoc on the town's or cities nearby. And many lives will be lost. Said in worry.

Reiji: Then we have no choice but to make our stand here. Until we get rid of these beasts. Said in determination.

Marin/Sarah: RIGHT!!! Yelled in agreement.

Suddenly, the Jaegers started to him and glow, according to their colored paint, one by one.

Reiji, Marin and Sarah were surprised to see them glow like that. Then beacons started beeping. It was coming from their I.S. They were wondering if their I.S. and the Jaegers are somehow connected.

Reiji: Verda, What's happening? Said in concern and curious.

Sarah: What's going on? Said after.

Verda: It appears that the Jaegers are creating a techno-link with your I.S. Said in explanation.

Marin: How's that even possible? Asked in shock.

Verda: It may have to do, when you were scanning them. When you scanned the Jaegers of you choice, it's biometrics must have merged with your I.S. specs. Said in explanation.

Then Reiji realized what the Jaegers really want.

Reiji: It could be that the Jaegers wanted us to revive them, and finish the fight that they have started, with our help. Said in realization.

Marin and Sarah understood what Reiji is trying to say.

Reiji: Marin!! Sarah!! What do you say we give these Jaegers their last and final wish to fight? Said in determination and with a smirk.

Sarah: I say we give them their second chance to fight what they've started. Said with a determined smile.

Marin: For humanity and earth. Said with a determined smile as well.

The three of them made their standing stance. Then they released a large amount of energy, in an energy beam, of their I.S. to the Jaegers that they chose to scan.

When the energy beam landed on the Jaegers, the Jaegers started to re-materialize their missing parts. And some parts of the Jaeger Drones' weaponry were electrically transplanted to them. Then they automatically activated, and made their stand. Then, neon rays of light came out from the Jaegers, straight towards Reiji, Marin and Sarah.

Verda: The Jaegers are establishing Drifts or a neutral bridges with the three of you. Said.

The Drift frequencies came to them in a split second. The bright light blinded their eyes.

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