Chapter 14: Projects in Equipment and Weaponry pt. 3

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After Reiji and his companions fully installed their A.I.s in their I.S. , they continued to work on other equipment that will help them.

Then all of a sudden, Verda came up with unusual news.

Verda: Attention, you three. I ran several kinds of scans that you've programmed to do. That's when I started to do a residual energy scan. I have come across on some faint energy spikes. Near the ancient ruins of Greece.

Reiji: Can you verify what caused those sudden energy spikes, Verda?

Verda: Unfortunately, I can't. These energy readings, they are coming from an unknown source, somewhere in that location. Knowing what made these energy readings, they're unknown.

Sarah: I wonder what we can find there. My curiosity has piqued my sudden interest.

Sarah being a sadist as always, while Marin was a little bit annoyed on her tone, but then again, her curiosity got the best of her.

Marin: You never stop being that sadistic. But I also want to know what's out there. What are we waiting for? Let's go and see.

Reiji can already tell that they want know what is really out there, and what can it do.

Reiji: You heard her, Verda.

Verda: Initiating Ground-bridge Transport. Destination: Greece.

Verda set the coordinates and automatically activated the ground-bridge, to their destination.

Reiji: Verda, keep us posted. See if there's anything new on your world wide search.

Verda: Understood.

Marin: Let's go.

Reiji and his girls went through the portal and went to their destination.


Nearby the Greek ruins, a green vortex appeared and Reiji and his companions went out from it, then the vortex closed up behind them. But what was in front of them, were ships, crash-landed, that came from a war.

Reiji and his girls were wondering if the energy readings that Verda detected, lead them at this spot

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Reiji and his girls were wondering if the energy readings that Verda detected, lead them at this spot.

Reiji: Draxx, Flare, Jolt do a multi-scan on the area. See if the energy readings are still in play, on what Verda spoke of.

Draxx/Flare/Jolt: Initiating All-purpose Scan.

The three A.I.s did several ray scans on the whole vicinity, to see if the energy readings are exactly the same that Verda predicted.

Then they said their results.

Draxx: There is no mistaking it. What Verda detected was right. The energy readings are the same as Verda resulted.

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