The Interview

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(This chapter will be short but the other ones I will try to make long)

Y/N ran out of the hotel fast and quickly she was being followed but when she got out of the hotel they stopped.

She knew she was safe now, even if she did want to stay with Jimmy but he was no Jimmy.

The figure saw cops in the form but instead of facing them off the figure ran away inside the hotel.

One police officer ran up to Y/N. "Miss are you okay?!" The officer asked as Y/N looked back but jumped a bit when the police officer talked to her. "Y-yeah I'm f-f-fine" she looked back and bit her lip a bit out of guilt.

"Please tell me what happened, you won't get into trouble just tell me," The officer said and Y/N nodded as she sat down on the curb of the sidewalk. The officer crouched in front of her as she began telling what happened.

Y/N was handed a blanket from another officer for keeping warm as she wrapped it around herself and gave a little nod to the other officer with a smile.

She looked back at the current officer.

"It was an ordinary night.."

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