Doctor Bose

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Y/N couldn't help but smile the whole time you got up to the second floor. Her heart was flying but she soon stopped as soon as she started thinking. 'Maybe this is all a trap to get me killed... I can't have myself get killed I'm sorry Jimmy but not now'

Y/N walked around until she found another flickering light hallway. She peaked her head around the corner and saw a man knocking on the door of room 217.

"Jimmy? I'm Doctor Bose. I'm just here to have a little chat, ok?" The door opened. "Thank you, Jimmy, I won't be long."The man walked in as the door shuts.

Y/N looked behind her just in case then walked to the room and went inside.

She turned on the radio. "Is anyone there?"


"What's your name?"

"Doctor Bose. I'm a clinical psychiatrist."

"I saw a man knocking on a door, telling Jimmy he was here to help. Who was it?"

"It was me - I got a call from Rose. Jimmy's mother. She wanted me to talk to Jimmy, find out what was bothering him. But Harvey was worried about Jimmy's mind, the things he was imagining."

"Who drew those violent pictures?"

"Jimmy." Doctor Bose said almost instantly. "He used to draw them."

"When you said, Harvey was worried about Jimmy's mind, does that have anything to do with what you said about those violent drawings?"

Doctor Bose took a sigh. "Yes - they suggested a turbulent personality, but I wasn't particularly concerned until... I started to realize how far his imagination went."

Y/N turned off the radio but as soon as she did she heard the doorknob to the room start to jiggle.

Y/N rushed to the closet and closed it almost all the way just in time for Hugo to enter the room.

"I know you are in here Y/N..." He said low but a bit angry. He stopped in front of the open slit of the door that separated the two doors apart to the closet.

Y/N held her breath and watched Hugo.

Hugo soon walked away with his bat in one hand.

It sounded like he left so Y/N left the closet and headed to the door but as soon as she did Hugo came out of the bathroom. He swung his bat at her but surprisingly she ducked and ran out the door with Hugo following behind her.

"Leave me alone Hugo!"

"Not after you locked me in that closet!!"

Y/N looked around until she found the elevators so she pressed the button to go in. 'Hurry up come on elevator'

What felt like an eternity the elevator door opened and she quickly ran inside and pressed the button to the first floor a bunch of times not wanting to face the door but had to.

Y/N looked forward and saw Hugo just standing in front of the doors causing her to fall once more but she stood up quickly as soon as she saw the door open to the first floor. Y/N knew she wasn't gonna be safe for long so she looked both left and right before heading right to the storeroom.

Y/N locked the storeroom with the key she had. She turned to face the opposite direction and jumped back hitting the wall hard making her have a bit of pain.

Doctor Bose was practically standing in front of Y/N now and was holding a dead animal of what looked like a hare or rabbit on a wire. He looked disgusted and Y/N did too. The lights went out but then turned back on and he was gone once again.

She slowly took the radio and turned it on. "Is it Dr. Bose?"

"Yes. I'm Doctor Bose."

"I saw you holding a dead animal on a wire. Why had happened?"

"Jimmy was killing things, small birds, animals. I realized he needed to work on his empathy skills. So I asked him to think of something nice he could do for me. I was surprised, he came up with an idea right away."

"Who did the chief's hat belong to?"

"Jimmy found it and put it on."

"When you said, Jimmy came up with an idea to do something nice for you, is that connected to what you said about the chief's hat?"

"Yes - Jimmy said he'd make something for me, so I followed him to see what he was going to do."

Y/N thought and then in a second, it clicked 'Kitchen!' Y/N was about to unlock the door when she heard footsteps from outside the storeroom. "Y/N?"

She took a sigh 'thank God it's Jimmy' she thought and unlocked the door and looked at him as he looked like he was about to walk into a hallway "hey Jimmy" which caused him to stop and look at her.

Y/N smiled. "Hey I have some bad news I forgot to tell you" he didn't smile mostly looked worried as he walked to her and stopped in front of her.

"What is it?" Y/N asked as her smile began to fade

"It's about Hugo... What I forgot to tell you were... As you continue the stories he will be hard to control which for you will be harder to try not to die"

"I know, I know the consequences of this don't worry I will be as safe as I can"

"Thank you now please go I don't want you hurt by him because I have been talking to you," Jimmy said and gave a sad small smile.

"I will bye-bye"

"Bye," Jimmy said as Y/N started to leave quickly to the elevators as she got in she pressed the button to the ground floor.

Once out she went to the kitchen right away. She looked around until she made a full 360 turn but stopped when she saw Doctor Bose in the doorway.

"This is a great idea, Jimmy! I reckon you'll make a great cook one day. Why don't you bring it up to me when you're done? I'll wait for you, ok?" Doctor Bose walked away.

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