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(I will be posting two today, this will be the first one)

(Y/N) took a quick breath and let it out slowly as she relaxed a bit, but then the doors opened and there she goes again having to do it all again.  

(Y/N) walked into the long hallway and walked to the theater room and turned around when she heard a small faint noise that scared her. 

Rose was once again standing right in front of her.  "It's just his comedy routine.  It's his sense of humor! I'm sorry if you've been offended... Excuse me..." 

'Why does she like being so close to people?' 

(Y/N) took out the radio.  "Is it Rose?"

"Yes. I'm Rose"

"I saw you in the ballroom.  The audience  was booing and you were apologizing.  What was happening?"

"It wasn't Jimmy on stage anymore.  It was Hugo Punch, his comedy character.  Hugo started insulting his audience every night.  He seemed to be enjoying it.  Then one night after the show, a guest told Jimmy what she thought of him.  Jimmy lost his temper. He did something stupid."

"What was the coil of wire used for?"

"Jimmy used to carry wire around with him.  He liked playing around with electronics."

"When you said Jimmy lost his temper and did something stupid, is that connected to what you said about the coil of wire?"

"Jimmy locked her in a room and tied her up.  I don't know what he was going to do.  I found her and let her go.  Jimmy said it was a joke!  She didn't press any charges, but she told the newspapers."

(Y/N) put away the radio and thought for a moment 'that's why no one goes here' she then snapped out of it when she heard slight banging noises.  She walked down the long hallway to the front doors.  It wasn't there... she turned to where the kitchen was and walked towards that way in that small hallway.  She turned around when she didn't see anything in the kitchen.

Rose was standing with her back to the door looking like she made a mistake while there was loud banging coming from the other side. "Mrs. Hall?" some voice began.  "Mrs. Hall can we have a word please?" Rose then walked into the room almost anger looking.  

(Y/N) took out the radio, getting ready and walking to the doors as she turned on the radio.  "Is it Rose?" 

"Yes.  I'm Rose." 

"I saw you upset, people were knocking on the door asking questions.  Who were they?"

"Journalists, they wanted Jimmy.  But Jimmy wasn't in control, it was Hugo Punch who tied the woman up.  Jimmy couldn't control it anymore.  He was depressed.  He just wanted to leave everything behind and go."

"Who wrote the note that says 'goodbye'?"

"Jimmy wrote it."

"When you said Jimmy wanted to leave everything behind and go.  Is that connected to the goodbye note?"

"Jimmy hated what he'd done.  He'd been fighting Hugo Punch all his life.  It was inside him, making him do all those bad things.  Jimmy didn't want to live anymore."

(Y/N) knew exactly where to go but had a bad feeling about it.  She began walking to the elevator's and pressed the button to open the doors but this time it took a bit longer to open and when it did, she went on and hesitated 'well here I come again Hugo' she pressed the button to the second floor.

The elevator started to go up.  

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