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(This one's a little short mostly because I have school things to do so I will be writing whenever I get the chance to, have a nice morning/ evening/ or night!)

After seeing that whole thing go down Y/N decided to walk inside of the room he walked into.  Which was room 307. 

Y/N took out her radio quickly and felt a bit calmer now than before.  "Is anyone there?"

"Hello?" The familiar voice said through the radio.

"What's your name?"

"Harvey.  I run the place."

"I saw a man saying Jimmy had lied about the assault.  Who was he?"

"It was me.  Jimmy had made accusations about the doctor.  Rose believed him.  But I'd heard that story somewhere before."

"I saw a scrapbook with newspaper articles in it.  Who made it?" Y/N had an idea but even so thought it was wrong.

"Jimmy - he used to keep cut-outs of news stories about abusive teachers and doctors.  He wasn't a normal boy."

"When you said you'd heard the story somewhere before.  Does that have something to do with what you said about the scrapbook?"

"It came straight out of it!  As soon as I found that scrapbook I knew where Jimmy had got it from.  It was the same.  Down to every detail."

Y/N nodded as she put the radio away.  Just as she was about to leave she heard the doorknob jiggle as she froze in fear for a couple of seconds then ran to the closet and hid inside of it. 

The door opened.  "I know your in here Y/N~! Why don't you come out I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!" Hugo said with an evil playful way of his tone. 

Y/N stayed silent.  Until he slowly walked over to the closet.  "Y/N..." He said angrily but very low. 

"Come out... Now" Hugo said not very friendly knowing now exactly where you are.  Y/N hesitated for a bit but right as she placed her hand In the door to open it Hugo swung the door open fast.  "My... My... Look who we have here~ looks like you're in trouble~ hahaha! Better run or you're dead!"

Y/N kicked Hugo in the spot as soon as she got the chance to distract him and started running But as soon as she saw him back up holding that area.  Y/N ran to room 308 can't enough so Hugo doesn't know. 

Y/N looked out the eyepiece to see if he was coming anytime soon but she saw nothing until she saw Harvey which scared her but she didn't move. 

Harvey was banging on the door hard "Jimmy? I know you can hear me! I know you made it up, your little story about the psychiatrist! I know where you got it from! I knew I'd read it before.  It's in your bloody scrapbook!  Come out here!  Jimmy!" Harvey tried one last time of banging on the door but he soon gave up and left quickly.

Y/N moved away from the eyepiece, heart beating fast and a bit shaking from that.  But even so, she looked one last time making sure Hugo was gone and he was so she backed away and went out. 

Y/N took out her radio.  "Is anyone there?"

"I can hear you"

"Is it Harvey?"


"I saw you shouting, telling Jimmy to admit he lied.  Did he?"

"Course he didn't! He just laughed.  Then he started setting little traps for me.  Some of them not so little."

"Why is there an old heater marked 'dangerous'?"

"It was giving electric shocks. I kept it so the police could check it."

"When you said Jimmy started setting traps for you, does that have anything to do with what you said about the dangerous heater?"

"Jimmy was always playing with electricity.  Funny how he was never the one who got shocked."

Y/N put the radio away and headed to the elevators which weren't too far.  As she was going there she pressed the elevator button as it opened so she got on and went to the first floor. 

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