
567 15 2

(Y/N) walked to the elevator and went inside to floor 2.  Once on the floor of the second (Y/N) walked to room 219 and hesitated while looking at the door but was about to leave when she turned her head to the right. 

Harvey was pointing a gun towards her and she almost fell from the fright.  "Get out of the hotel Jimmy." Harvey pointed the gun down and looked out it "Get out of my hotel..." He played with the gun for a few seconds "This is my hotel!  Get out of my hotel Jimmy!"

Harvey walked back into the room she guessed he walked out of while her head was turned away from there.  But then again she didn't hear any door open.  She looked behind her before turning away and walking to that very same door. 

Room 220

She walked in and walked a little forward and took out her radio.  "Is someone there?" 

No respond

"Is it Harvey?"

"Yeah it's Harvey"

"I saw you with a gun.  Practicing with it.  What were you going to do?"

"I don't know what I was going to do.  Threaten him, get him out of the hotel... Problem was, I didn't realize he was going to be armed too."

"Who does the dagger belong to?"

"It's not a dagger.  It's a letter opener.  It's not supposed to be sharp"

"When you said you didn't realize Jimmy would be armed too.  Does that have anything to do with what you said about the dagger?"

"It wasn't even a dagger! But I never learned my lesson.  Jimmy was always one step ahead of me."

(Y/N) put away the radio and started to head out the door when she heard "I'm gonna catch you, (Y/N)" 

(Y/N) quickly ran into the bathroom and stayed in there with the door a little open but mostly shut so then she leaned on the wall putting her hand over her mouth so that she wouldn't make any noise.  (Y/N) shut her eyes and stayed as silent as possible but it slowly became more quiet the more she kept her eyes shut. 

~A few minutes later~

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Hugo in front of her.  He had his hand pressed against the wall right beside her head.  (Y/N) couldn't say anything if anything she was too scared to say anything.  'How long has he stood there for?  Why was he staring at her? Why am I still hear?!' Just as she was about to open her mouth to say anything that could come out but he butted in. 

"Don't you dare even try to escape me anymore" Hugo whispered and grabbed onto her chin holding it up a bit but she didn't have it and smacked his hand away out of instinct.  "Don't touch me!" 

Hugo got angry and grabbed his bat that was laying down with his hand that was on the wall. "You better run then!" He yelled and (Y/N) ran quickly to the elevator and pressed the button multiple times.  "Come on!" 

"I will get you, (Y/N)!!  Don't think you can run forever!!!" 

As soon as the doors opened (Y/N) ran inside and quickly pressed the button to go to the ground floor as the doors shut out of suspense they finally shut with a loud bang from the other side from Hugo hitting the door.  

(Y/N) finally got to the ground level and walked out and took a breath from all the running.  

Once that breath was finally back she walked to the theatre room.  She looked around.  'Oh woah... this place is huge...'  she walked behind the door to go backstage.  'What kind of hotel is this?' she was turning around as Harvey appeared out of nowhere holding his neck as blood squirted out of it fast and heavy. 

"Is it Harvey?"


"I saw you being stabbed backstage. What happened?"

"Jimmy crept up behind me, I didn't see him. Jimmy always won in the end."

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