The Trick

911 19 4

Before she knew it she was already in the elevator on the second floor.  Y/N walked to room 203 first to check it out.  She stepped in and check out everything in the room. 

She found a crossbow.

She had a kinda sick feeling but moved on to room 223 but as soon as she was about to turn the corner when she heard something getting hit with something.

Harvey stumbled back and held the bat behind his arms as he held onto it with both hands on both sides behind his neck.

Y/N walked to the door as she walked in and took out her radio.  "Hello?"

"I can hear you"

"Is it Harvey?"

"Yeah.  It's Harvey."

"I saw you with a bat, coming out of a room.  What had you done?"

"I smashed up his television and games consoles and stuff.  I was angry: but it didn't work.  It just made him worse.  He soon retaliated."

"Where was the crossbow from?"

"It was from an armoury display we used to have.  Jimmy was fond of it."

"When you said Jimmy soon retaliated.  Does that have anything to do with what you said about the crossbow?"

"Jimmy was fond of weapons like that.  I hadn't seen him all night after I'd smashed his stuff.  I should have guessed he'd been working on his next little trick."

Y/N put the radio away and tried to sneak away out the door when she heard footsteps walking by so she tried to stay as quiet as she could.

When the footdsteps past Y/N walked and and walked silently to room 215 swiftly.  As soon as she got there she walked a little bit forward and stopped turning towards the door but saw nothing.  Turning forward she walked forward near the closet and slowly turned around every time not wanting to.  Until she saw...

As Harvey opened the door he got shot with a crossbow bolt and shouted in pain as he took out the bolt from his leg.  "Jimmy!" 

She flinched when the bolt hit him in the leg but sighed of relief when she thought it didn't cause too much aftermath.  So she took out her radio.  "Is it Harvey?"

"Yeah it's Harvey"

"I saw you being shot in the leg with an arrow.  What happened?"

"Jimmy had set it up to fire when I opened the door.  I had to go into A&E, get stitches and tetanus shots."

'Nevermind' Y/N thought.

"When I got back I couldn't find him.  Rose said he was hiding in the basement.  That gave me an idea."

Y/N thought back to herself and the objects she saw but knew she didn't have anything that could've been a lead.  So she headed out of the room

Y/N head to the elevator and thought it might be a while for Hugo to find her so she pressed the button to get the elevator to come up to floor 2.  once it came up she got onto the elevator and went down to the basement knowing Hugo can't reach her from down stairs but knew if Jimmy came down he'd probably give her a good scare if he did. 

At the basement level she saw the lights flicker to the left and headed there as she got to the corner of that space she turned around.

Harvey was locking Jimmy in the basement room.  "You can stay in there for the night, Jimmy!  I've had enough." As the banging on the doir grew louder Harvey soon left inside the elevator. 

After Y/N went into the elevator and hit the button to.the ground floor.  Once there she got out and walked forward a small bit taking out her radio.  "Is it Harvey?"

"Yeah it's Harvey."

"I saw you locking Jimmy in the basement.  What happened?" 

"I wanted to give Jimmy a dose of his own medicine.  I thought he couldn't do any damage down there."

"Was there a fire at the hotel?"

"Yes - they managed to contain it, but I lost a lot of stuff."

"You said you were wrong to think Jimmy couldn't do any damage in the basement.  Is that connected to what you said about the fire jn the hotel?"

"Nobody realised how far Jimmy would go to get attention."

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