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(This is a little short one to make it through my little day bye bye hope you like it.  It's so hard trying to write this when I'm not in the fandom anymore but I'm trying my best for you guys!)

Scott came out of the room and looked at (Y/N) who had a smile on her face. "Uh who's Hugo?  If he's the manager let me see him" Scott said snapping (Y/N) out of her little daze.  "Huh? Oh uh Jimmy- the person you just saw- is the manager but there's no Hugo we were just talking about a guest that was here a long time ago that's all" (Y/N) said waving her hands in front of her signaling it's all fine and there's nothing to worry about. Scott nodded and Marie was at the end of the hall coming this way looking mad.  "Anyways I better continue to uh- clean?  yeah... bye" (Y/N) said and left quickly to the elevators and was about to press the button but heard a loud crash that caught her attention in the room behind the desk.  

As dumb and stupid as she thought this was she decided to see what is was.  (Y/N) walked into the room and peeked her head inside seeing Jimmy picking up a big hammer.  "Jimmy?" (Y/N) said causing him to stop and quickly looked at (Y/N).  "(Y/N)... what are you doing here?" 

"I heard a loud crash and just was curious-" (Y/N) stopped speaking seeing Jimmy throw himself against the wall closest to him while holding his head. "Hey hey hey Jimmy it's gonna be okay come here real quick" 

Jimmy gave a look at her and quickly acted normal as he looked behind you making you turn around and see Scott and Marie watching.

"This place is a devil house!" Marie said angerly as she walked to the front doors and tried to open them but she couldn't so she started freaking out.  "Scott help!  It won't open!"  Scott rushed to help but even when he tried to open it, it still wouldn't open. "Jimmy open the doors now!" Scott yelled as Jimmy started walked to the door frame and just stopped right beside you.  "Well?!" Scott yelled more.  

"I can't do that" Jimmy said as he formed his hand into a fist and pushed his fingernails into his skin until his knuckles were white.  "And why is that?!  Is it because you have such a big crush on that girl there you can't have her running away?!?" Scott had a very angry face now and all Jimmy did was cross his arms and look at (Y/N) who looked at him.  Jimmy looked away and simply nodded his head "You can say its like that sure but not fully" 

"You are such a freak!  Let us out!  Now!!" Scott said very mad. 

"Sorry" Jimmy said and (Y/N) cleared her throat.  "I gotta go now and I would suggest if you wanna live to just stay and don't leave your room or you will regret it." (Y/N) said and walked to the elevators once again. 

Jimmy Hall x reader | One of a kindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora