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(Cursing TW)

Hugo began walking away while laughing, but then it stopped quickly.  (Y/N) walked to the elevator nervously a little shaky of what just happened and went in the elevator to 'LG' level.  

Once on the level, looked both ways, but paused when she saw the lockers have moved to reveal a door that is open.  She walked to the door but then stops an inch inside the room.  

Inside the room on the left side had random stuff but on the right had a shovel and concrete maker with a long hump of concrete.  But then Hugo started talking.  

"Welcome to Hugo's grave! Mother's little secret. She mixed the concrete herself you know, then poured it over his lifeless body and watched it set.  She'd thought she got rid of him.  But she didn't get it, (Y/N).  You see, Hugo was just one of us.  Just another log in the fire,  he burned out.  But the fire's been burning down the Hall's for centuries.  Clearing the way... lighting the darkness... laying waste to the old and the poor and the weak.  And it's burning in you, too, (Y/N).  I can tell!  We are destined to be together you and I.  You're the one I've been waiting for.  Which is why I can't let you leave.  You're staying here with me, (Y/N).  Forever."

After a few seconds, the backroom light turned on.  Hugo walked from the left side to the opening to look at (Y/N).  "Hello (Y/N)!"  Hugo started walking towards (Y/N) fast with the bat raised in one hand.  (Y/N) was panicking now 'this doesn't look like Jimmy anymore' (Y/N) couldn't move in time and as soon as she snapped out of it Hugo was right in front of her now staring down at her about to wack her with the bat, but then he backed up holding his head. 

"You need to get out of her (Y/N)!  Now!" Jimmy said, but now he wasn't really in control, so it kept switching.  "No!  You will stay here with me (Y/N)!" Hugo said.  "No please don't listen to him (Y/N)!  Go!" 

Finally, (Y/N) had a chance to talk for a second, and she took that chance.  "I'm not leaving without you Jimmy!"

Jimmy/ Hugo looked at her "Go!- No!" as he argued with himself (Y/N) took the chance to escape and did.  She ran to the elevators as Hugo was now fully in control and was walking to her now.  But luckily the elevator doors opened fast enough, and she quickly jumped inside and pressed repeatedly the ground floor level a bunch of times till it shut.  

On the ground floor level she heard the doors shut behind her, and she quickly ran to the front desk.  (Y/N) grabbed the phone and called 999 (police) but before they answered somehow Hugo made it onto the floor that she was on and started walking to her with the bat.  "Put that phone down, (Y/N)! I would regret what you are about to do!"  Hugo said, and then the police answered.  "What kind of service do you need?" but (Y/N) didn't answer but instead began talking to Hugo.  "You can't hurt me Hugo!  They are on the phone now!" (Y/N) said, and the dispatcher began talking to other people, telling them to send police and ambulance to the place they were at.  "Oh I'm not going to hurt you, I would never.  Instead, I offer another solution." 

"And what's that?"

"You stay with me... forever.  Of course, we would have to move, or the police will get me." 

"I'd rather stay with Jimmy, not you."

Hugo started to laugh, but this time didn't seem so pleasant.  "Wrong choice there!  Such a shame if they found you dead and me gone, with no trace of me being here."

"You would never"

"You say?" 

"Yeah, Jimmy's still in there, so if he found out he'd probably die because of it."

"Don't worry about that" Hugo began to move back the hair from (Y/N) face but then (Y/N) moved away from him and gave her a very dirty look.  "I'll make sure he suffers through it slowly and painfully."

"Why don't you just leave him alone?  He's done nothing to you"

"Because, dear, I never wanted him that simple I thought you were smarter than this." 

"Fuck off Hugo" 

Hugo got mad and grabbed (Y/N) from the other side of the counter of the front desk and pulled her close very angry.  But thankfully the police came and started trying to break down the door.  

Hugo looked over at the door and let go of (Y/N) and ran to the elevators going inside to a floor to hide.  

(Y/N) ran to the doors after they bashed it open. But (Y/N) ran past them to the police that were outside and the ones that bashed open the door began to run to find Hugo.  

As (Y/N) started telling the story to the cop, a few 20 minutes pass and the cops that ran inside were dragging a figure that looked like Hugo out of the building.  (Y/N) stopped talking and looked over at them as the figure started to wake up.  "Where am I?!  (Y/N)!? (Y/N)!!" 

(Y/N) got up and ran to him as quickly as possible.  "Ma'am please stay back he's dangerous" one of the police said which triggered her to snap.  "No you stay back and leave him alone now!" She said in an angry voice, and the police after a long chat finally let go of Jimmy and left you two alone.  

"Oh, thank god, you are okay!" (Y/N) said while running the rest of the distance to him and hugged him tightly, almost knocking him to the ground, but he caught himself.  Jimmy hugged back as tight.  "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that (Y/N) I'm just really glad you are okay now" 

"Me too Jimmy.  Wait... what happened to Hugo?" 


(Y/N) waited for him to finish his thought, but he never did.  "He's???" (Y/N) asked confused.  As he began to laugh maniacally.  (Y/N) had a very sick feeling now and stepped back letting go of Jimmy as Jimmy let go of (Y/N) as he laughed.  "Jimmy?..."

"Jimmy's not here anymore.  And as I said, (Y/N).  You are stuck here with me... forever.  Look around... tell me what you see..." 

(Y/N) didn't want to but knew she had to, so she did.  The next thing made her stomach drop way too far down deep...

She was in the hallway once again while laughing sounded like it was coming from all around her.   

(And that is the end of the book... or is it? We may never know but if you were wondering this chapter has 1159 words but in total I wrote 2390 words today.  Bye-bye now.  I will respond to any requests or questions by the way, if you even have any but for now bye.)

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