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(I did it!  More than a thousand words!)

As soon as she pressed the button she went into the elevator after one more look at Jimmy who was sneaking a glance at her. (Y/N) waved with a smile as she went into the elevator and pressed the button to the second floor. 

On that floor (Y/N) walked out and looked to the left first then looked to the right as she saw the lights flicker, so she fully exited the elevator and looked to the double doors of the hallway.  

A woman walked out into view what looked like talking on the phone with someone "Harvey was going to shoot Jimmy.  It was just a letter opener. It was self-defense!  Look!" But she was actually talking to someone that was not in view.  The woman then exited the view point and the lights flickered again.

(Y/N) sighed knowing the routine by now.  She walked behind the double doors and into the storage room.  (Y/N) took out her radio "Is anyone there?"


"What's your name?"

"Rose.  Rose Hall.  This is my hotel."

"I saw a lady explaining that the dagger was a letter opener.  Who was she?"

"It was me.  I had to explain to the police that the dagger was just a letter opener and that Harvey had a loaded gun.  Jimmy acted in self-defense.  They understood." 

(Y/N) nodded and put the radio away and headed to the elevator.  She pushed the button as the doors flung open ready to be open.  She pressed the button to go to the ground level.  

The whole way down all (Y/N) could think was if the couple and Jimmy are still there.  Or worse... the couple would be dead. But right on cue, the doors opened to the ground level. She walked to out and so far everything seemed like it was okay but then again the couple was by the door and Jimmy didn't seem all that stable right about then. 

(Y/N) turned the corner ready to hold back anything but everything was normal.  No blood, no people, nothing... 'Weird' 

But (Y/N) walked to the doors and hesitated a bit before turning around.

As she did the lights flickered and everything turned off.  Once everything turned on for a few seconds, Rose was standing with her arms opened for a hug right in front of (Y/N). "Jimmy." Rose said, smiling wide. The lights flickered while that happened then turned off for a few more seconds.  

(Y/N) took out her radio, "Is it Rose?"


"Who were you greeting at the entrance in reception." 

"Jimmy- He was coming home. They believed him, but it changed him.  He started helping me, helping run the hotel.  And he found a way of bringing in more guests."

"Who is Hugo Punch?" (Y/N) asked and looked around before looking back down at the radio.

"It was Jimmy's comedy act."

"When you said Jimmy found a way of bringing in more guests, is that connected to what you said about the Hugo Punch poster?"

"Yes- that was Jimmy's stage act.  He was a comedian. He was good, really good.  People stared to come just to watch him." 

(Y/N) put the radio away and laughed a little 'Not a comedy act anymore that's for sure' (Y/N) said and stopped laughing. 

(Y/N) walked to the stage room and looked around as she walked getting more paranoid of even Jimmy now.  He seems like he comes out of nowhere now.  Once in the backroom of the stage she stood there for a while before almost about to turn but the lights flickered.  

Rose was standing in front of (Y/N) once again but holding a microphone to her mouth "Ladies and gentlemen.  Please welcome to the stage, your entertainment for this evening, Mr. Hugo Punch!" The lights flickered the whole time till they turned off for more seconds than turned back on.  

(Y/N) took out the radio "Is it Rose?"


"I saw you announcing Hugo Punch onto the stage."

"I was enjoying it, we were making money again.  Everything seemed like it was getting better until... Jimmy started behaving oddly. I heard him shouting.  Staring at himself. He seemed angry."

"How did those mirrors get broken?"

"Jimmy broke them."

"What you said about Jimmy staring at himself and becoming angry. Is that connected to what you said about the broken mirrors?"

"Breaking the mirrors was just the start.  I asked him about it, but he didn't remember doing any of it.  Then other strange things started happening."

'Poor Jimmy...' (Y/N) walked out of the backroom and to the elevator the whole way with her head a bit down, thinking how bad Jimmy's life must've been living with trauma from Harvey.

In the elevator she pressed the button to go to the third floor.  At the third floor she walked to the left and turned left again.  (Y/N) walked to the end of the hallway and turned around almost about to jump but held it back as hard as possible.

There were mannequins in the call with pictures on the faces. Rose walked into view at the other end of the hallway and just stared at all the mannequins. The lights flickered off for a few seconds and then back on.  

(Y/N) walked to the room a bit in front of her, which was room 304. She pulled out the radio. "Is it Rose?"


"I saw you standing in a corridor full of mannequins. Who put them there. "Jimmy- I didn't understand it at first, I was confused.  But then I realized.  Jimmy wasn't the one doing these things. Like the mirrors, he was starting to fracture. Jimmy wasn't in control anymore."

(Y/N) heard a quiet but loud enough bang to hear from where she was.  "I know you're there." 

(Y/N) quickly and quietly hid in the bathroom and stayed hiding as she heard the door open and footsteps walking past.  (Y/N) took a brave moment and ran out of both of the rooms and ran to the elevator "(Y/N)!!! GET BACK HERE!!" Hugo yelled running after (Y/N) fast almost able to touch her.  "You can't kill me Hugo!" (Y/N) yelled back and got to the elevators, pressed the buttons and jumping inside pressing the ground level floor.

Luckily the doors shut quickly, and it took her down.  

Jimmy Hall x reader | One of a kindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin